Health Care Professionals

Health Care Professionals

Health care professional examining child, mother looking on

We know that knowledge about this virus is changing at a fast pace. Find the most current information and guidance on these pages.


See all alerts


  • 24/7 emergency or urgent patient care assistance from CDC Clinicians: 770-488-7100
Medical Volunteers Needed

Become a medical volunteer

Medical volunteers are urgently needed to respond to the spread of COVID-19 in Vermont. If you are a health care, mental health or other clinical professional or have health care administrative experience (translators, medical data entry), or have experience working with displaced people, then Vermont's Medical Reserve Corp needs you. 

Learn how to join the Medical Reserve Corp

Nurses and caregivers, both paid and volunteer are needed to support Vermont's long-term care facilities provide direct care and support. 

Find ways to support your community

Get an Emergency License

Vermont has eased licensing requirements for the purposes of aiding this emergency response. Physicians, physician assistants, and podiatrists can learn more about emergency licensure at the Board of Medical Practice. Other medical professionals, including nurses and osteopathic physicians, can learn more at the Secretary of State's Office of Regulations.

In This Section

Find guidance for the health care community, including health alerts and resources for protecting patients and health care workers in different settings.

Vermont needs health care providers and facilities across the state to collaborate in the COVID-19 testing effort.

The Health Department works closely with the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and long-term care facilities to help them prepare for cases of COVID-19.

What we know about specific vaccines, how they will be distributed, and who will get them is still being developed. You can find the most current information and guidance on these pages.

This page includes guidance and information for health care providers, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities to make decisions based on measures of community-level burden.