About Us

About Us

VT Health Department seal on building at 108 Cherry St., Burlington

Working for Your Health every day


Public Health in Vermont

Read about Public Health in Vermont

The Vermont Department of Health has been working to protect and promote the health of Vermonters for more than 125 years. We are proud to continue this long tradition of public health service – working every day for your health. We are the state’s lead agency for public health policy and advocacy. 

Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging healthy life and promoting physical and mental health. Not only do people with better health habits generally live longer – those years are more likely to be free of disease and disability.

Explore our website to learn more about our programs, and what the Health Department has to offer. Your comments and suggestions about how we can be more helpful are very much appreciated. With your help, we can make America the healthiest nation and Vermont the healthiest state in one generation.

Public health is what we do together as a society to ensure the conditions in which people can be healthy.