Public Information, Reports and Meetings

The Secretary of Administation may issue Press Releases on a number of topics.  In addition, the Administration may be assigned to supprort special committes and/or commissions established by the Legislature.

Public Access to Agency of Administration Records

Under Vermont’s Public Records Law, the Agency of Administration (AOA) must provide the public with access to Agency of Administration records, unless the records are protected from disclosure under specific exemptions in the Law.  For non-AOA records, please contact the agency or department responsible for the record(s) in question.

To submit a new request for AOA records, under the Public Records Law, please contact the appropriate AOA Records Officer or Liaison by email or in writing:

  • Melissa Mazza-Paquette, Secretary of Administration's Office / Agency of Administration Record Officer: 109 State Street, 5th Floor, Montpelier, VT 05609-0201
  • Connie Churchill, Financial Service Division Record Liaison: 6 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
  • Breanna Fuller, Risk Management Division Record Liaison: 6 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05633-3801
  • Rebecca White, Risk Management Division Record Liason: 6 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05633-3801

Statewide Public Record Requests Database

Special Committees, Commissions and Boards

Public Meeting Notices

Public Budget Forum

Press Releases
