Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, and Hospitalizations Averted by Vaccination

For the past several years, CDC has estimated the burden of influenza and the impact of annual influenza vaccination in the United States. CDC finds these estimates using a model that estimates the numbers of flu illnesses, medical visits and hospitalization prevented by vaccination using season-specific data on burden of disease, vaccine coverage and vaccine effectiveness (VE). Variations in these three inputs can impact both the burden of disease and the burden averted by vaccination from season to season. CDC uses the estimates of the burden of influenza in the population and the impact of influenza vaccination to inform policy and communications related to influenza.

How CDC Estimates Burden Averted

CDC estimates the numbers of flu illnesses, medical visits and hospitalization prevented by vaccination using season-specific data on burden of disease, vaccine coverage and vaccine effectiveness (VE).

Why CDC Estimates Burden Averted

CDC uses the estimates of the burden of flu in the population and the impact of influenza vaccination to inform policy and communications related to seasonal flu.

Past Seasons’ Burden Averted Estimates

At the end of each flu season, CDC estimates the burden of flu prevented by vaccination. Past reports on the burden of flu averted by flu vaccination can be found online.

Supporting Research

2017-2018 season

2016-2017 season

2015-2016 season

2014-2015 season

2013-2014 season

2012-2013 season

2011-2012 season

2005-2011 seasons