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Coast Guard

The United States Coast Guard was established by act of January 28, 1915 (14 U.S.C. 1) and became a component of the Department of Transportation on April 1, 1967, pursuant to the Department of Transportation Act of October 15, 1966. Following the enactment of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, The Coast Guard was transferred from Department of Transportation to the Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003 (116 Stat. 2135).

The Coast Guard protects the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests in the Nation's ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region, as required, to support national security. Among its duties are: search and rescue operations in and over the high seas and navigable waters, maritime law enforcement, marine inspection and licensing, pilotage of the Great Lakes, protection of the marine environment by enforcing the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, ensuring the safety and security of ports and anchorages, maintaining the management of waterways, providing navigational aids, and regulating the construction, maintenance and operation of bridges and causeways across navigable waters.

Pending PublicationDocuments on Public Inspection

Showing 1-1 of 1 result

Listing ofSignificant Documents

Showing 1-5 of 280 results since 1994. View 275 more results.

  • Seafarers' Access to Maritime Facilities

    The Coast Guard is issuing a final rule requiring each owner or operator of a maritime facility regulated by the Coast Guard to implement a system providing seafarers, pilots, and representatives of seamen's welfare and labor organizations access between vessels moored at the facility and the facility gate, in a timely manner and at no cost to...

  • Security Zones; Dignitary Arrival/Departure and United Nations Meeting, New York, NY

    The Coast Guard is modifying the Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia Airport Security Zone to expand the existing security zone boundary north along the Rikers Island Bridge to the intersecting point on the southern tip of Rikers Island then east to the western end of LaGuardia Airport. This expanded security zone is necessary to protect the port,...

  • Marine Transportation-Related Facility Response Plans for Hazardous Substances

    The Coast Guard is withdrawing its notice of proposed rulemaking entitled ``Marine Transportation-Related Facility Response Plans for Hazardous Substances'' that we published on March 31, 2000. The Coast Guard is withdrawing this rulemaking based on findings that the proposed rules are no longer appropriate to the current state of spill response...

  • Tank Vessel Response Plans for Hazardous Substances

    The Coast Guard is withdrawing its notice of proposed rulemaking entitled ``Tank Vessel Response Plans for Hazardous Substances'' that we published on March 22, 1999. The Coast Guard is withdrawing this rulemaking based on findings that the proposed rules are no longer appropriate to the current state of spill response in the chemical industry.

  • Outer Continental Shelf Activities

    The Coast Guard is withdrawing the proposed rule entitled ``Outer Continental Shelf Activities'' that we published on December 7, 1999. The Coast Guard is withdrawing this proposed rule due to the passage of time, advances in technology, and changes in industry practices that have rendered the proposed rule obsolete.

Listing ofRecently Published Documents

Showing 1-10 of 14940 results since 1994. View 14930 more results.