Deceased Persons – Probate, Filing Estate and Individual Returns, Paying Taxes Due


This page provides information to help you resolve the final tax issues of a deceased person and their estate. As the surviving spouse, executor, estate administrator or other legal representative of a deceased person and their estate, you will have many responsibilities. 

Deceased Persons - Getting Information from the IRS
Find out how to receive tax information of a decedent or their estate.

Understanding the General Duties as an Estate Administrator
Learn about the general responsibilities of the legal representative for the decedent and his or her estate.

Getting the IRS to File a Proof of Claim in a Probate Proceeding
Find out which IRS office to contact for assistance.

Filing the Final Return(s) of a Deceased Person
Learn about filing requirements, getting transcripts and payment arrangements.

Filing the Estate Income Tax Return (Form 1041)
Explanation of filing requirements and how to get an EIN for the estate.

Selling Real Property that is Part of the Decedent’s Estate
Provides instructions on how to obtain a release of lien on the decedent's property.

Protecting the Deceased’s Identity from ID Theft
Tips to reduce the risk of having a deceased person's identity stolen.

Filing Estate and/or Gift Tax Returns (Forms 706 or 709)
Provides links to various topics on Estate and Gift tax issues.

Getting an International Estate Transfer Certificate
Provides an explanation of the Transfer Certificate and how to obtain one.