An official website of the United States government.

Find the Repellent that is Right for You

Use the search tool below to help you choose the repellent product that is right for you. You can specify :
  • mosquitoes, ticks or both;
  • protection time;
  • active ingredient; or
  • other product-specific information.
Consider these factors when choosing a repellent:
  • Do you need protection from mosquitoes, ticks or both?
  • How long will you be exposed to them? Be sure to use a product with a protection time that fits your activity.

Learn about using repellent products to protect against mosquito-borne illnesses (e.g., Zika, Dengue, West Nile Virus).

For the safe and effective use of pesticide products, always read the product label before using the product. More about safe use of repellents.

Notes about the results:
  • The results from the search tool include only skin-applied repellent products registered by EPA. No unregistered products are listed.
  • The registration number means the company provided EPA with technical information on the safety of the product and its effectiveness against mosquitoes and/or ticks. While this technical information is based on scientific testing guidelines and approved study methods, there are variations in the resulting protection times because of differences in the testing conditions.
  • A single registered repellent product may have multiple product names that a company may use for marketing purposes. You can look for the registration number of repellents products you buy and check them against this database. 
  • Some of the products listed may not be available in all areas of the United States.


  • Any products listed are for informational purposes only. Inclusion of a product listed/referenced is not an endorsement.
  • EPA and the U.S. Government do not endorse any product or service. 
  • The information in this database was last updated in June 2019.
  • If you believe a product not on the list should be included, use the contact us link to request that the product be added.