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Extreme Heat Bibliography

MMWR articles on heat surveillance and investigations can be found on Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR).

Heat Stress From Enclosed Vehicles: Moderate Ambient Temperatures Cause Significant Temperature Rise in Enclosed Vehicles external icon

Selected articles on Extreme Heat and Heath

(CDC authors highlighted)

  • Applegate WB, Runyan JW, Brasfield L, Williams ML, Konigsberg C, Fouche C. Analysis of the 1980 heat wave in Memphis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 1981; 8:337-42.
  • Bacon C, Scott D, Jones P. Heat stroke in well-wrapped infants. Lancet 1979; 422-5.
  • Ballester F, Dolores C, Perez-Hoyos S, Saez M, Hervas A. Mortality as a function of temperature. A study in Valencia, Spain, 1991-1993. International Journal of Epidemiology 1997; 26(3):551-61.
  • Barrow MW, Clark KA. Heat-related illnesses. American Family Physician 1998; 58(3):749-56.
  • Barthel HJ. Exertion-induced heat stroke in a military setting. Military Medicine 1990; 155(3):116-9.
  • Berko J, Ingram D, Saha S,Parker J. Deaths Attributed to Heat, Cold, and Other Weather Events in the United States, 2006–2010 pdf icon[PDF-330 KB].” National Health Statistics Reports, Number 76. National Center for Health Statistics, US Department of Health and Human Services, 2014.
  • Bonner RM, Harrison MH, Hall CJ, Edwards RJ. Effect of heat acclimatization on intravascular responses to acute heat stress in man. Journal of Applied Physiology 1976; 41(5):708-13.
  • Breslin K. Global climate change: beyond sunburn. Environmental Health Perspectives 1994; 102(5):440-3.
  • Bridger CA, Ellis FP, Taylor HL. Mortality in St. Louis, Missouri, during heat waves in 1936, 1953, 1954, 1955, and 1966. Environmental Research 1976; 12:38-48.
  • Bross MH, Nash BT, Carlton FB. Heat emergencies. American Family Physician 1994; 50(2):389-96.
  • Buechley RW, Van Bruggen J, Truppi LE. Heat island = death island? Environmental Research 1972; 5:85-92.
  • Climate Change and Extreme Heat Events pdf icon[PDF-3.32 MB]. 2013.
  • Chestnut LG, Breffle WS, Smith JB, Kalkstein LS. Analysis of differences in hot-weather-related mortality across 44 U.S. metropolitan areas. Environmental Science & Policy 1998; 1:59-70.
  • Clarke JF. Some effects of the urban structure on heat mortality. Environmental Research 1972; 5:93-104.
  • Clowes GHA, O’Donnell TF. Heat stroke. New England Journal of Medicine 1974; 291(11):564-7.
  • Combs DL, Quenemoen LE, Parrish RG, Davis JH. Assessing disaster-attributed mortality: development and application of a definition and classification matrixpdf iconexternal icon. International Journal of Epidemiology 1999; 18(6):1124-9.
  • Costrini A. Emergency treatment of exertional heat stroke and comparison of whole body cooling techniques. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 1989; 22(1):15-8.
  • Dematte JE, O’Mara K, Buescher J, Whitney CG, Forsythe S, McNamee T, Adiga RB, Ndukwu IM. Near-fatal heat stroke during the 1995 heat wave in Chicago. Annals of Internal Medicine1998; 129:173-81.
  • DiMaio DJ, DiMaio VJ. The effects of heat and cold: hyperthermia and hypothermia. Forensic Pathology 1993; 375-84.
  • Dixit SN, Bushara KO, Brooks BR. Epidemic heat stroke in a Midwest community: risk factors, neurological complications and sequelae. Wisconsin Medical Journal May 1997; 39-41.
  • Donoghue ER, Graham MA, Jentzen JM, Lifschultz BD, Luke JL, Mirchandani HG. Criteria for the diagnosis of heat-related deaths: national association of medical examiners. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 1997; 18(1):11-4.
  • Drake DK, Nettina SM. Recognition and management of heat-related illness. Nurse Pract 1994; 19(8):43-7.
  • Eichner ER. Treatment of suspected heat illness. International Journal of Sports Medicine 1998; 19: S150-3.
  • Ellis FP. Heat wave deaths and drugs affecting temperature regulation (letter). BMJ 1976; 2(6033):474.
  • Ellis FP. Mortality from heat illness and heat-aggravated illness in the United States. Environmental Research 1972; 5:1-58.
  • Ellis FP, Nelson F. Mortality in the elderly in a heat wave in New York City, August 1975. Environmental Research 1978; 15:504-12.
  • Epstein E, Sohar E, Shapiro Y. Exertional heatstroke: a preventable condition. Israel journal of medical sciences1995; 31:454-62.
  • Faunt JD, Wilkinson TJ, Aplin P, Henschke P, Webb M, Penhall RK. The effete in the Heat: Heat-related hospital presentations during a ten-day heat wave. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 1995; 25:117-21.
  • Fish PD, Bennett GCJ, Millard P. Heat wave morbidity and mortality in old age. Age Aging 1985; 14:243-5.
  • Golden J, Hartz D, Brazel A, Luber G,Phelan P. “A biometeorology study of climate and heat-related morbidity in Phoenix from 2001 to 2006external icon.” International Journal of Biometeorology, 2008: 52 (6): 471-480.
  • Graham BS, Lichtenstein MJ, Hinson JM, Theil GB. Nonexertional heatstroke. Arch Intern Med 1986; 146:87-90.
  • Greenberg JH, Bromberg J, Reed CM, Gustafson TL, Beauchamp RA. The epidemiology of heat-related deaths, Texas–1950, 1970–79, and 1980. American Journal of Public Health 1983; 73(7):805-7.
  • Haines A, Parry M. Climate change and human health. J R Soc Health 1993; 86:707-11.
  • Hassanein T, Razack A, Gavaler JS, Van Thiel DA. Heat stroke: its clinical and pathological presentation, with particular attention to the liver. American Journal of Gastroenterology 1992; 87(10):1382-9.
  • Hess JJ, Saha SLuber G.Summertime Acute Heat Illness in US Emergency Departments from 2006-2010: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Sampleexternal icon.” Environmental Health Perspectives, 2014: 122(11):1209-15.
  • Hett HA, Brechtelsbauer DA. Heat-related illness. Postgraduate Medical Journal 1998; 103(6):107-20.
  • Honda Y. Re: Air-conditioning and mortality in hot weather (letter). American Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 142:99.
  • Howe AS, Boden BP. Heat-Related Illness in Athletes. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2007; icon
  • Increased summertime heat stress in the US (scientific correspondence). Nature 1998; 396:529-31.
  • Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best-Practices Recommendations icon
  • Johnson, D, Stanforth A, Lulla V, Luber G. “Developing an applied extreme heat vulnerability index utilizing socioeconomic and environmental dataexternal icon.” Applied Geography, 2012: 35 (1–2): 23–31.
  • Johnson DP, Wilson JS, Luber G. “Socioeconomic indicators of heat-related health risk supplemented with remotely sensed dataexternal icon.” International Journal of Health Geographics. 2009: 8:57.
  • Jones TS, Liang AP, Kilbourne EM, et al. Morbidity and mortality associated with the July 1980 heat wave in St. Louis and Kansas City, MOexternal icon. JAMA 1982;247(24):3327-31.
  • Kaiser R, Rubin CH, Henderson AK, Wolfe MI, Kieszak S, Parrott CL, Adcock M. Heat-related death and mental illness during the 1999 Cincinnati heat wave.external icon American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 2001; 22(3):303-7.
  • Kalkstein LS. Direct impacts in cities. Lancet 1993; 342:1397-9.
  • Kalkstein LS. Lessons from a very hot summer (commentary). Lancet 1995; 346:857-9.
  • Kalkstein LS, Davis RE. Weather and human mortality: an evaluation of demographic and interregional responses in the United States. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 1989; 79(1):44-64.
  • Kalkstein LS, Greene JS. An evaluation of climate/mortality relationships in large U.S. cities and the possible impacts of a climate change. Environmental Health Perspectives1997; 105:84-93.
  • Kalkstein LS, Jamason PF, Greene JS, Libby J, Robinson L. The Philadelphia hot weather-health watch/warning system: development and application, Summer 1995. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1996; 77(7):1519-28.
  • Kalkstein LS, Nichols MC, Barthel CD, Greene JS. International Journal of Climatology 1996; 16:983-1004.
  • Kalkstein LS, Valimont KM. An evaluation of summer discomfort in the United States using a relative climatological index. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 1986; 67(7):842-8.
  • Katsouyanni K, Pantazopoulou A, Touloumi G, Tselepidaki I, Moustris K, Asimakopoulos D, Poulopoulou G, Trichopoulos D. Evidence for interaction between air pollution and high temperature in the causation of excess mortality. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 1993; 48(4):235-42.
  • Kellermann AL, Todd KH. Killing heat. New England Journal of Medicine 1996; 335:84-90.
  • Khogali M. Heat illness alert program: practical implications for management and prevention. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1997; 813:526-33.
  • Kilbourne EM. Cocaine use and death during heat wavesexternal icon (commentary). JAMA 1998; 279(22):1828-9.
  • Kilbourne EM, Keewahn C, Jones S, Thacker SB. Risk factors in heat stroke.external icon JAMA 1983; 247(24):3332-4.
  • King K, Negus K, Vance JC. Heat stress in motor vehicles: a problem in infancy. Pediatrics 1981; 68(4):579-82.
  • Knobeloch L, Anderon H, Morgan J, Nashold R. Heat-related illness and death, Wisconsin, 1995. Wisconsin Med J 1997; 96(5):33-8.
  • Kohl J. Heat stroke. American Journal of Nursing 1996; 96(7):51.
  • Kovats S, Haines A.  The potential health impacts of climate change: an overview. Med War; 11:168-78.
  • Kunst AE, Looman CWN, Mackenbach JP. Outdoor air temperature and mortality in the Netherlands: a time-series analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 1993; 137(3):331-41.
  • Lay CR, Mills D, Belova, A, Sarofim MC, Kinney PL, Vaidyanathan, A, Saha, S. “Emergency department visits and ambient temperature: Evaluating the connection and projecting future outcomesexternal icon.” GeoHealth, 2018: 2, 182–194.
  • Lee DHK. Seventy-five years of searching for a heat index. Environmental Research 1980; 22:331-56.
  • Lee DHK. Epidemic heat effects. JAMA 1982; 247:24.
  • Lin S, Hsu WH, Van Zutphen AR, Saha S, Luber G,Hwang SA. “Excessive heat and respiratory hospitalizations in New York state: estimating current and future public health burden related to climate changeexternal icon.” Environmental Health Perspectives, 2012: 120(11), 1571.
  • Liu Y, Saha S,Hoppe BO, Convertino M. “Degrees and dollars – Health costs associated with suboptimal ambient temperature exposureexternal icon.” Science of the Total Environment. 2019; 678: 702-711.
  • Luber G,McGeehin M. “Climate Change and Extreme Heat Eventsexternal icon.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2008: 35 (5): 429-435.
  • Lye M, Kamal A. Effects of a heat wave on mortality rates in elderly in-patients. Lancet
  • Macfarlane A, Waller RE. Short-term increases in mortality during heat waves. Nature 1976; 264:434-6.
  • Mackenbach JP, Borst V, Schols J. Heat-related mortality among nursing-home patients. Lancet 1997; 349:1297-8.
  • Marmor M. Heat wave mortality in New York City, 1949–1970. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 1975; 30:130-6.
  • Marmor M. Heat wave mortality in nursing homes. Environmental Research 1978; 17:102-15.
  • Martinez B, Annest JL, Kilbourne EM, Kirk ML, Lui KJ, Smith SM. Geographic distribution of heat-related deaths among elderly personsexternal icon. JAMA 1989; 262(16):2246-50.
  • Marzuk PM, Tardiff K, Leon AC, Hirsch CS, Portera L, Iqbal I, Nock MK, Hartwell N. Ambient temperature and mortality from unintentional cocaine overdose. JAMA 1998; 279(22):1795-1800.
  • Meehan P, Toomey KE, Drinnon J, Cunningham S, Anderson N, Baker E. Public health response for the 1996 Olympicsexternal icon. JAMA 1998; 279(18):1469-73.
  • McLaren C MD, Null J CCM, Quinn J MD. Heat Stress From Enclosed Vehicles: Moderate Ambient Temperatures Cause Significant Temperature Rise in Enclosed Vehicles. Pediatrics 2005; 116(1):e109-e112.external icon
  • Moore JD. Noting ER trends could help avert health disasters. Modern Healthcare 1998; 76.
  • Naughton MP, Henderson A, Mirabelli MC, Kaiser R, Wilhelm JL, Kieszak SM, Rubin CH, McGeehin MA. Heat-Related Mortality During the 1999 Heat Wave in Chicagoexternal icon. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2002; 22(4):221-7.
  • Nielsen B. Olympics in Atlanta: a fight against physics. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 1996; 28(6):665-8.
  • Mirchandani HG, McDonald G, Hood IC, Fonseca C. Heat-related deaths in Philadelphia—1993. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 1996; 17(2):106-8.
  • Noakes TD. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances in heat illness. International Journal of Sports Medicine 1998; 19:S146-9.
  • Nugent SK. Pediatric heatstroke: a case report. Indiana Medicine 1987; 235-7.
  • O’Brien KK, Montain SJ, Corr WP, Sawka MN, Knapik JJ, Craig SC. Hyponatremia Associated with Overhydration in U.S. Army Trainees. Military Medicine 2001; 166(5):405-10.
  • Oechsli F, Buechley R. Excess mortality associated with three Los Angeles September hot spells. Environmental Research 1970; 3:277-84.
  • Pandolf KB. Time course of heat acclimation and its decay. International Journal of Sports Medicine 1998; 19:S157-60.
  • Pan W, Li L, Tsai M. Temperature extremes and mortality from coronary heart disease and cerebral infraction in elderly Chinese. Lancet 1995; 345:353-5.
  • Phillips DR. Urbanization and human health. Parasitology 1993; 106:S93-107.
  • Poulton TJ, Walker RA. Helicopter cooling of heatstroke victims. Aviat Space Environ Med 1987; 358-61.
  • Porter KR, Thomas SD, Whitman S. The relation of gestation length to short-term heat stress. American Journal of Public Health 1999; 89(7):1090-2.
  • Rango N. Exposure-related hypothermia mortality in the United States, 1970-79. American Journal of Public Health 1984; 74(10):1159-60.
  • Ramlow JM, Kuller LH. Effects of the summer heat wave of 1988 on daily mortality in Allegheny County, PA. Public Health Reports 1990; 105(3):283-9.
  • Roberts KB, Roberts EC. The automobile and heat stress. Pediatrics 1976; 58(1):101-4.
  • Roberts WO. Death in the heat: Can football heat stroke be prevented? Current Sports Medicine Reports 2004; 3(1): 1-3. icon
  • Rogot E, Sorlie PD, Backlund E. Air-conditioning and mortality in hot weather. American Journal of Epidemiology 1992; 136(1):106-16.
  • Rooney C, McMichael AJ, Kovats RS, Coleman MP. Excess mortality in England and Wales, and in Greater London, during the 1995 heat wave. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1998; (52):482-6.
  • Rydman RJ, Rumoro DP, Silva JC, Hogao TM, Kampe LM. The rate and risk of heat-related illness in hospital emergency departments during the 1995 Chicago heat disaster. Journal of Medical Systems 1999; 23(1):41-55.
  • Saez M, Sunyer J, Castellsague J, Murillo C, Anto JM. Relationship between weather temperature and mortality: a time series analysis approach in Barcelona. International Journal of Epidemiology1995; 24(3):576-82.
  • Saha S, Brock JW, Vaidyanathan A, Easterling DR, Luber G. “Spatial variation in hyperthermia emergency department visits among those with employer-based insurance in the United States – a case-crossover analysisexternal icon.” Environmental Health 2015: 14:20.
  • Sarofim MC, Saha S, Hawkins MD, Mills DM, Hess J, Horton R, Kinney P, Schwartz J, St. Juliana A. “Temperature-Related Death and Illness. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessmentpdf iconexternal icon.” S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 2016.
  • Sartor F, Snacken R, Demuth C, Walckiers D. Temperature, ambient ozone levels, and mortality during summer, 1994, in Belgium. Environmental Research 1995; 70:105-13.
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This information provided by NCEH’s Health Studies Branch.

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