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All Facilities Letters - Released 2011

ā€‹Bulletin Numberā€‹Facility Type AffectedSubjectā€‹Release Dateā€‹
ā€‹AFL 11-01 (Pending)ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals ā€‹Patient Safety Licensing Survey01/03/2011
AFL 11-04ā€‹ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals: Use of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Space; Program Flexibility (Revises, supersedes AFL-10-13)02/16/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-05 (Pending)ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Special Hospitalsā€‹Perinatal Hepatitis B Prophylaxis (Revised)03/16/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-06ā€‹Home Health Agenciesā€‹Fingerprint Clearance Requirements for Owners, Administrators, and Administratorā€™s Designee01/06/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-07ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Psychiatric Hospitals, Special Hospitalsā€‹Hospital Infant Safe Surrender Requirements06/06/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-08ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Informed Consent01/07/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-09ā€‹Acute Psychiatric Hospitals, General Acute Care Hospitals, Intermediate Care Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities/Developmentally Disabled,
Skilled Nursing Facilities, Special Hospitals
ā€‹Diesel Generators: Health Facilities01/18/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-10ā€‹All Rehabilitation Agencies (OPT/OSP)ā€‹Identification of Extension Locations Annual Report. (Revises, supersedes AFL-10-14)01/06/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-11ā€‹Intermediate Care Facilities/Developmentally Disabled - Habilitative,
Intermediate Care Facilities/Developmentally Disabled - Nursing
ā€‹Licensee Orientation01/18/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-12ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹Joint Commission Survey Reports02/14/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-14ā€‹All Facilitiesā€‹Triad Alcohol Prep Pads, Alcohol Swabs, and Alcohol Swabsticks: Recall Due to Potential Microbial Contamination01/11/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-15ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Contracts of Admissions01/31/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-16ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Rescission of AFL 10-33 - Guidelines for 3.2 Nursing Hours per Patient Day Staffing Audits01/13/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-17ā€‹Primary Care Clinicsā€‹Clinic Corporations and Affiliate Clinic Licensing06/24/2011

ā€‹AFL 11-19 (Superseded)
See: AFL 18-27

ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Guidelines for 3.2 Nursing Hours per Patient Day (NHPPD) Staffing Audits Pursuant to the Authority Provided in Welfare and Institutions Code (W&I) Section 14126.02201/31/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-20ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Appeal Procedures for Penalties Issued Pursuant to Section 14126.022 of the Welfare and Institutions Code02/02/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-22ā€‹All Health Facilities Covered by the Bakersfield District Officeā€‹Relocation of the Bakersfield District Office, Licensing and Certification Program02/28/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-23ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹Senate Bill 1058: Changes in Method for Reporting Surgical Site Infections03/11/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-24ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Psychiatric Hospitalsā€‹Notice of Facility Closure and Elimination or Relocation of Supplemental Services; and Downgrades and Closures of Emergency Departments (Revises, supersedes AFL-10-28)03/17/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-26 (PDF)ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities, Swing Bed Hospitalsā€‹Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 ā€œSection Sā€ Submission and Coding Updates03/28/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-27ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilities, General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹Placement of Patients with Positive Clostridium difficile Tests in Skilled Nursing Facilities ā€“ (Revises, supersedes AFL-10-21)03/25/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-28ā€‹All Facilitiesā€‹H & P Industries, Inc., the Manufacturer of Povidine/Povidone-Iodine Prep Pads: Recall Due to Potential Microbial Contamination03/22/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-30ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals: Use of Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Space; Program Flexibility (Revises, supersedes AFL 11-04)11/02/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-31ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Questions and Answers about Informed Consent04/14/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-32 (Revised)
See: AFL 12-15
ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹Requirements for Reporting Surgical Site Infections04/27/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-33 (Revised)
See: AFL 12-05
ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Psychiatric Hospitals, Special Hospitalsā€‹Telemedicine Providers08/03/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-34 (Revised)
See: AFL 13-16
ā€‹All Home Health Agencies and Hospices within the Los Angeles District Officeā€‹Processing of Home Health Agency and Hospice Applications06/10/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-36 (Pending)ā€‹All Health Care Facilities Licensed by the California Department of Public Health Licensing and Certification Program under California Health and Safety Code Section 1266ā€‹Proposed Fiscal Year 2011/12 Health Facility Licensing Fee Report06/07/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-37ā€‹All Facilitiesā€‹Hot Summer Weather Advisory06/17/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-38ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitalsā€‹Pre-Notice Meeting for Regulations Governing Surgical Site Infections Reporting Requirements06/17/2011ā€‹
ā€‹AFL 11-40 (Superseded)
See: AFL 12-01
ā€‹All Long-Term Health Care Facilities, All Hospicesā€‹Elder Justice Act Reporting Requirements11/10/2011ā€‹
ā€‹AFL 11-41 (Pending)ā€‹All Health Care Facilities Licensed by the California Department of Public Health Licensing and Certification Program under California Health and Safety Code Section 1266ā€‹Fiscal Year 2011-2012 License Renewal Fee Schedule07/25/2011ā€‹
ā€‹AFL 11-42ā€‹All Skilled Nursing Facilities, All Intermediate Care Facilitiesā€‹Procedures for Modifying the Standard Admission Agreement09/19/2011ā€‹
ā€‹AFL 11-44 (Pending)ā€‹Skilled Nursing Facilitiesā€‹California MDS Nuggets Newsletter07/25/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-48ā€‹All Facilitiesā€‹County Health Department Inspections of Health Facility Kitchens12/30/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-51 (Pending)ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Primary Care Clinicsā€‹Use of Tdap Vaccine Instead of Td Vaccine in Emergency Departments and Urgent Care Clinics10/07/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-52ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Psychiatric Hospitals, Special Hospitalsā€‹Adverse Event Reporting Timeframe10/27/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-53 (Revised)
See: AFL 11-62
ā€‹Home Health Agenciesā€‹Fingerprint Clearance Requirements for Owners, Administrators, and Administratorā€™s Designee10/01/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-54ā€‹General Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Psychiatric Hospitals, Special Hospitalsā€‹Hospital Charity Care Notice Language Requirements10/27/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-55ā€‹All Skilled Nursing Facilities, All Intermediate Care Facilities, All Nursing Facilitiesā€‹Effective Date for the Standard Admission Agreement10/07/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-56 (Pending)ā€‹Home Health Agencies and Community Clinics or Free Clinicsā€‹Fiscal Year 2011-2012 License Renewal Fee Schedule (Revises AFL 11-41)11/04/2011
ā€‹AFL 11-62ā€‹Home Health Agenciesā€‹Fingerprint Clearance Requirements for Owners, Administrators, and Administratorā€™s Designee (Revises AFL 11-53)12/30/2011
ā€‹ā€‹ ā€‹
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