To reduce the spread of COVID-19, NAIHC will be teleworking. If you would like to get in touch with an NAIHC staff, you can dial our main office number at 202-789-1754 or visit our staff page for individual staff contact information. For more information on COVID-19, please visit our COVID-19 Resource page.

National American Indian Housing Council

For the People, Over 40 Years!

We Are Your Voice in Washington, D.C.

NAIHC serves as an advocate to Congress and the Administration on behalf of Native housing entities and their efforts to provide culturally relevant and quality affordable housing on behalf of Native people.

We are...

The nation’s only tribal non-profit organization dedicated solely to improving housing conditions in Native American communities, advancing housing infrastructure development, and expanding economic and community development across Indian Country.

Building Capacity

NAIHC provides training and technical assistance to tribal housing authorities, Tribally Designated Housing Authorities (TDHEs) and tribal housing professionals.

Stand Together

NAIHC hosts three meetings a year: the Legislative Conference aimed at advocacy on Capitol Hill; the Annual Convention targeted for all tribal housing professionals and interested parties; and the Legal Symposium focused on the legal and regulatory issues.

Strength in Numbers

NAIHC members have a voice in providing culturally relevant and quality affordable housing for Native people.

Native Housing Update

Find out what’s happening with NHU

Our Mission

To effectively and efficiently promote and support American Indians, Alaska Natives and native Hawaiians in their self- determined goal to provide culturally relevant and quality affordable housing for native people.

Latest News

Comanche Nation Housing Authority – Request for Proposal for Audit Services

The Comanche Nation Housing Authority (CNHA), Lawton, Oklahoma is seeking proposals from interested accounting/auditing firms that perform audit services specifically for Indian Housing Authorities or Tribally Designated Housing Entities as defined in the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) of 1996. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is being advertised as an open procurement with Indian Preference. Those firms claiming Indian Preference must furnish proof of enrollment with a federally recognized tribe when submitting their proposal and controlling ownership of the business.

All sealed proposals are due no later than 5:00 PM, October 16, 2020. The proposals must be marked “Proposal Enclosed” and please follow up with an electronic submittal through email. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. The address is as follows:

Comanche Nation Housing Authority
Attention: Deputy Director
1918 East Gore Blvd
Lawton, OK 73501

This contract will be awarded by November 2020. All questions may be directed to the Deputy Director of the Comanche Nation Housing Authority at 580-357-4956. You may also email the Deputy Director at

View Request for Proposal

Comanche Nation Housing Authority

1918 East Gore Blvd, Lawton, Oklahoma 73501

Phone (580) 357-4956

Fax (580) 357-1103

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