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CDPH Regulations for Cannabis, DPH-17-010 (PDF)

  • Note: Assembly Bill 1529 modified labeling requirements for cannabis vaping products effective October 12, 2019.
  • Note: Senate Bill 34 allows licensees to designate cannabis or cannabis products for donation. Donated items must comply with all other existing requirements, including passing compliance testing, and may only be provided to medicinal consumers and their primary caregivers through retailers, as specified. Manufacturers must record any products designated for donation in Track-and-Trace and in their onsite records.

Final Statement of Reasons (FSOR) (PDF)

FSOR 45-Day Public Comment Period: List of Commenters (PDF)

FSOR 45-Day Public Comment Period: Response to Comments (PDF)

FSOR 15-Day Public Comment Period: List of Commenters (PDF)

FSOR 15-Day Public Comment Period: Response to Comments (PDF)

To view other documents in this rulemaking file, visit the CDPH Office of Regulations website.

For more information on the regulatory requirements or to download the Universal Symbol, visit the Resource Library page.    

Emergency Regulations for Shared-Use Manufacturing Facilities

With the adoption of the permanent regulations, the emergency regulations are no longer in effect. The emergency rulemaking file can still be viewed on the CDPH Office of Regulations website.

Other Cannabis Regulations

The Bureau of Cannabis Control has issued regulations for retailers, distributors, testing laboratories, and microbusinesses. CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing, a division of the California Department of Food & Agriculture, has issued regulations for cultivators. Both of these regulations can be viewed on the Cannabis Portal.

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