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Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA)


MIHA is an annual, statewide-representative survey of women with a recent live birth in California. MIHA participants are English- or Spanish-speaking women aged 15 years and older who have had a live birth. From 1999 through 2009, approximately 3,500 women participated each year. Beginning in 2010 the number of MIHA participants increased to nearly 7,000, which allows data to be available for the 20 counties with the largest number of births. Starting in 2013, the sampling plan was expanded to include the top 35 counties with the largest number of births. MIHA data are weighted to represent all eligible women in California with a live birth during each survey year. MIHA has maintained a response rate of approximately 70%. Data are collected by mail with telephone follow up to non-respondents. The questionnaire covers a wide range of maternal and infant experiences, and maternal attitudes and behaviors before, during and shortly after pregnancy.

The MIHA questionnaire and methods are similar to those used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in conducting the multi-state Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS). Some Local Health Jurisdictions in California have also conducted similar surveys, such as the Los Angeles Mommy and Baby Survey and the Shasta County Mother Infant Health Survey.

* Additional key MIHA Methods documents will be listed here in the near future, thank you for your patience during this transition.


MIHA Technical Document (PDF)
Provides indicator definitions, explanation of data annotation and suppression criteria, and weighting methods used in the MIHA survey.

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