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Healthcare Personnel Influenza Vaccination in California Hospitals, 2018-19

Hospital-based health care personnel (HCP) who receive annual influenza vaccination make an important contribution to prevent transmission of influenza to patients, their families, and the community. California acute care hospitals must offer influenza vaccination at no cost to HCP, require HCP to receive the annual influenza vaccination or declare in writing that he/she declines vaccination, and report vaccination data to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) (Health and Safety Code section 1288.7).

This report presents data from 385 California hospitals for the 2018-19 influenza season (October 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019) and summarizes vaccination coverage by county (Figure 1). To be considered on track to reach the Healthy People 2020 goal of 90% vaccinated, hospital HCP vaccination coverage should be at least 87% in 2018-19.


Overall, California hospitals reached 85% influenza vaccination among HCP in 2018-19 (Figure 2). Statewide vaccination must increase by 5% in the next influenza season to achieve the 2020 goal.


REPORT:  Protecting Patient Health for All Californians - Influenza Vaccination among Healthcare Personnel in California Hospitals, 2018-19 Annual Report  (PDF)

Please visit our interactive map to see if your hospital reported a HCP influenza (flu) vaccination rate above or below 87%. Hospitals with vaccination rates above 87% in 2019 are on target to achieve the  Healthy People goal of 90% by 2020. 

MAP: Influenza Vaccination among Health Care Personnel  in California Hospitals, 2018-19


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