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Office of AIDS

Housing Plus Project

For Consumers

Who we are

In 2015, the California Legislature permanently reallocated a portion of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (Part B) base funding from the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) to the HIV Care Program (HCP), with the intent of increasing the number of HIV-positive people of color who are engaged and retained in HIV care and treatment.          

The Housing Plus Project (HPP) was develop to meet this legislative requirement and address the National HIV/AIDS Strategy goal of reducing HIV-related disparities and health inequities. HPP is a five-year demonstration project, intended to stabilize housing as a targeted intervention to engage and retain clients of color in HIV care and treatment, and achieve and maintain viral suppression. In order to ensure clients of color are reached without violating the Fair Housing Act, the project funds four counties that have high percentages of HCP clients of color who are in unstable or temporary housing situations.

What we provide

HPP is only available in Kern, Orange, San Joaquin, and Tulare Counties. HPP provides short-term housing assistance to HIV-positive clients through shallow rent subsidies. A shallow rent subsidy is financial assistance which pays a portion of a client's rent. HPP providers served about 190 clients in the four participating counties during 2016.

Who is eligible

To be eligible for HPP services, individuals must (1) be HIV positive, (2) be temporarily or unstably housed or at-risk of becoming temporarily or unstably housed, and (3) not be receiving  HOPWA rental assistance, Housing Choice Voucher program (formerly known as Section 8), or other housing assistance.

HPP serves clients regardless of their race or ethnicity.

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