Budget and Performance Summary

This document presents the details of the President’s resource requirements to implement the National Drug Control Strategy and to inform Congress and the public about the total amount proposed to be spent on all supply reduction, demand reduction, State, local, and tribal affairs, including any drug law enforcement, and other drug control activities by the Federal Government.

Performance Reporting System

The 2019 and 2020 Performance Reporting Systems list the Administration’s nine strategic goals to reduce the demand for and availability of illicit drugs.

Annual Accounting Report

By Statute, National Drug Control Program agencies, as outlined in the National Drug Control Strategy, are required to conduct an annual detailed accounting of all funds expended for National Drug Control Program activities.  Further, this accounting is authenticated by agency Inspectors General.

Accounting and Performance Summary Report:

Drug Control Data Dashboard

Here is a publicly available application of drug data in a machine-readable format and searchable by topic, drug, and location. Query results are output in a table by year, in addition to either a chart or map. This dashboard responds to the requirements specified in the Support Act of 2018, and was updated in December 2020.

National Drug Control Strategy Data Supplement

The Data Supplement provides the data that enables an assessment of current drug use and availability, impact of illicit drug use, treatment availability and consequences of their use. Here is the set of 166 Data Supplement tables in Excel format.

Federal Government Grants for Substance Use Issues

ONDCP works with other Federal agencies to provide public funding to address the drug crisis in states, tribes, counties, and communities across the nation. Organizations interested in funding for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts can view active funding opportunities here.

Additionally, drug control grant awards can be found here.

Lastly, information regarding the evaluation, performance, and effectiveness of Federal agency programs and initiatives can be found here.

Parties interested in applying for Federal grants should review these resources on the Grants Learning Center. For more questions about applying for Federal grant opportunities, please reach out to Scott_L_Chronister@ondcp.eop.gov.