The Office of National Drug Control Policy also oversees several other grant programs to enhance the impact of the Drug Free Communities Support program.

For newly-formed coalitions

The DFC Mentoring (DFC-M) grants provide existing DFCs with up to $75,000 per year in ONDCP funding to mentor newly-formed coalitions that are not statutorily eligible to apply for the DFC Support program. It is the intent of the DFC-M program that, at the end of the mentoring grant, each mentee coalition will meet all of the Statutory Eligibility Requirements of the DFC Support Program and be fully prepared to compete for the DFC grant.

Eligible applicants are currently-funded DFC grant recipients with a coalition that has been in existence for at least five years; have an active DFC grant at the time of the application; and are in good standing with the DFC program.

For DFCs seeking to address opioid misuse in their communities

DFCs seeking to prevent and reduce youth (12 – 18) misuse of opioids (including prescription medications) and methamphetamines can apply for $50,000 per year for three years through the Community-Based Coalition Enhancement Grants to Address Local Drug Crisis (CARA) program. In FY 2018, ONDCP awarded 55 DFCs in 37 states with CARA grants.

Current or former DFC grant recipients can apply for this grant. Coalitions receiving CARA funds are expected to work with leaders in their communities to create sustainable community-level reductions in local youth opioid, methamphetamine, and/or prescription medication misuse.

For youth seeking to make a change

To empower the next generation of leaders, ONDCP’s National Youth Leadership Initiative (NYLI) provides training and guidance on organizational management, communication, and other skills to youth leaders and their adult advisors who are working to impact a broad range of public issues in their communities.

The current recipient of this grant is Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) which has trained over 1,500 coalitions and 21,600 youth through its National Coalition Academy, NYLI, and online classrooms and webinars.

For nonprofits working in economically disadvantaged areas

DFCs and community teams seeking to work in economically disadvantaged areas can receive guidance and training on best practices, evaluation tools, and research-based anti-drug methodologies through the National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute (NCI).

CADCA is the current recipient of the NCI grant.