Governor Lemanu P. S. Mauga and First Lady Ella Mauga are looking forward to serving the people of American Samoa one step at a time, together they believe we will overcome adversity. 

Govenor Lemanu

The Inauguration of Honorable Lemanu Palepoi Sialega Mauga as Governor of American Samoa and Honorable Talauega Eleasalo Va'alele Ale as Lieutenant Governor of American Samoa was held at Maleoletalu, Fagatogo. 

Get to know more about Lieutenant Governor Talauega Eleasalo Va'alele Ale


Are you prepared to get your vaccine? Read more about how to prepare and understand what the long-term effects are and also to analyze how well it's worked. 

Listen to Repatriation Announcement

Veterans gather to show their support for American Samoa. Visit the link below to learn more about what other programs are available for Veterans.