IDPH Strategic Plan

The Illinois Department of Public Health has embarked on a number of quality improvement initiatives. The primary initiative was the development of the agency’s 5-year strategic plan to guide the Department from 2014 to 2018. Under the leadership of IDPH Director, Nirav D. Shah, M.D., J.D., the Strategic Plan Chairs; Quality Improvement Committee and the Office of Performance Management, we ensure that the goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan are fulfilled.

Key considerations for the IDPH strategic plan include:

  • The Deparment’s vision, mission, and core beliefs
  • The essential public heatlh services and Public Health Accreditaiton Board (PHAB) standards

The IDPH strategic plan identifies 5 pillars:

  • Enhancing stakeholder engagement (partnership)
  • Improving data quality and dissemination
  • Reducing health disparities
  • Improving regulatory compliance
  • Broadening agency branding, marketing, and communication

The IDPH Quality Improvement Committee has developed the following metrics in alignment with our strategic goals for 2014-2015 fiscal year.



Partnership Development


  • Percent of improvement score from annual partnership survey
  • Number of offices submitting partnership development plans
  • Number of engagement activities per year with new partners

Workforce Development


  •  Percent of employees with established training plans
  • Percent of employees completing new orientation within 30 days of hiring

Quality Improvement
Culture and Performance Management


  •  Dollar amount in grants towards QI training
  • Transitioning to a higher phase per NACCHO QI Roadmap Tool to Culture of Quality Improvement
  • Percent of staff completing training in performance management
  • Percent of “satisfactory” self-assessment scores from Local Health Departments and Community Partners

Data Quality, Dissemination, and Utilization


  • Percent of entries in the IDPH directory of databases for which “QI Activities” have been conducted
  • Amount of data disseminated to the public

Improve Regulatory Compliance

  • Number of repeat inspections by Division of Environmental Health, Division of Food, Drugs and Dairies.
  • Number of staff days spent in the field
  • Turnaround times for reporting laboratory results

Reduce Health Disparities


Brand, Marketing and Communication

  • Percent of unique homepage visits
  • Percent of new Facebook “likes”