Terminal Illness

Persons diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six (6) months or less may apply for a medical cannabis registry identification card valid for six months. There is no application fee.

Effective June 24, 2019, persons who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and have less than 6 months to live, may submit an application to the Medical Cannabis Patient Program (MCPP) on-line at https://medicalcannabispatients.illinois.gov/. A provisional registry certificate will be issued upon completion of the on-line application to allow the qualifying patient and caregiver can enter the dispensary within 24 hours of submitting the application on-line. Paper applications submitted for Terminal Illness will be processed within the 14 days specified in the Act. Patients submitting a paper application will not be issued a provisional registration certificate.

If you currently have or had a 6-month Terminal Illness Registry Card, DO NOT start a Terminal Illness application. You must call 855-636-3688 and ask to speak to a Terminal Illness Specialist or email dph.terminalill@illinois.gov for instructions.

Questions about terminal illness applications? Please email dph.terminalill@illinois.gov

Qualifying patients (Adults and Persons under age 18)

  • Be a resident of the State of Illinois at the time of application and remain a resident during participation in the program
  • Have been diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six (6) months or less
  • Submit a complete application
  • Make sure your physician completes and signs the physician confirmation of diagnosis of terminal illness. This form must be signed in blue ink. The in-person physical examination must take place within 90 days of the application submission date.
  • Not hold a school bus permit or Commercial Driver’s License
  • Not be an active duty law enforcement officer, correctional officer, correctional probation officer, or firefighter.
  • Select a caregiver, if desired (persons under age 18 may have two caregivers)

Veterans receiving care at a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Facility

  • Submit a copy of your DD-214 showing dates of service and character of service (type of discharge)
  • Provide a copy of your medical records from the VA facility for the last 12 months.
  • Complete the Attestation of Terminal Illness (page 6 of the application package). This form must be notarized.

Persons whose diagnosis is no longer terminal after a period of six months, and their caregivers, may submit an application for a one, two, or three-year registry identification card.

Requesting an application for a Terminal Illness Registry Identification Card by mail:

If you would like to receive an application for terminal illness in the mail, please provide the following information: