Partner Tools and Resources

Clinician Outreach Communication Activity (COCA)

COCA partners with medical and public health organizations to promote a safe and healthy nation by ensuring that clinicians have timely, credible, and accurate information needed to provide care. COCA calls serve a wide variety of healthcare providers including: physicians, nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, veterinarians, first responders, public health practitioners, and health departments. COCA collaborates with these organizations to rapidly distribute information to clinicians. Organizations interested in becoming a COCA partner should contact Learn more about COCA

Business Pulse

CDC Foundation
CDC Foundation Logo

The CDC Foundation is dedicated solely to helping CDC do more, faster, by forging partnerships between CDC and those in the private sector – foundations, corporations and individuals – who want to help CDC protect and improve health. Several former CDC directors and leaders helped establish the Foundation and shape our mission, recognizing a viable opportunity to help CDC fill funding gaps and better connect with the private sector.

Although the Foundation was chartered by Congress, it is not a government agency and not a division of CDC. It is a private, nonprofit organization classified as a 501(c)(3) public charity. Operating outside of the federal appropriations process gives the Foundation valuable flexibility and access to resources and opportunities that may not be available to CDC.

As an independent, nonprofit organization established by Congress, the Foundation offers individuals and organizations a powerful way to participate in CDC’s mission. Since 1995, the CDC Foundation has made a direct and dramatic impact on public health by uniting a wide range of private sector partners with CDC scientists to achieve common goals. Learn more about the CDC Foundationexternal icon

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Page last reviewed: October 15, 2020, 03:10 PM