School Health Program

School Health Technical Assistance and Training

The School Health Program provides technical assistance and training to Illinois school health personnel serving over 2 million school age children.  Communication is designed to keep school health providers abreast with current health requirements, communicable and infectious disease issues, current practices in management of acute and chronic disease, education and grant opportunities, changes in public health rule and law, resources available through the Illinois Department of Public Health and other state agencies.  School Health Days are held in the fall at 5 sites throughout the state.  The program maintains an email list through which information is distributed on a regular basis.  To participate in the list contact

School Health Center Project

The School Health Program monitors 66 certified school health centers operating in Illinois for compliance with Title 77, Chapter V: Subchapter J, School-Based/Linked Health Centers Part 2200.  See link to the Standards and list of sites and maps in the resource list. The purpose of a school health center is to improve the overall physical and emotional health of school age children and youth by promoting healthy lifestyles and by providing accessible preventive health care.  Through early detection and treatment of chronic and acute health problems, identification of risk-taking behaviors and appropriate anticipatory guidance, treatment and referral, school health centers assure students are healthy and ready to learn.  Services provided on site include:  routine medical care for acute illness and injury, school/sports physicals, immunizations, nutrition counseling, sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, pregnancy testing and health education.  Each local community decides which other services (i.e., drug and substance abuse counseling, mental health counseling, dental services, and family planning) will be provided on site or by referral. Students in need of care beyond what is offered at the health center are referred to specialists as needed.

To join the School Health Program email list, click on this link.