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It’s National Immunization Awareness Month, IDPH is highlighting the importance of getting required vaccines before the first day of school! Use #VaxToSchool to share why you get vaccines for your child.

On-time vaccination throughout childhood is essential because it helps provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. With the first day of school just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get your child up-to-date on their vaccinations. See more information for parents here: #VaxToSchool

Vaccination is a highly effective, easy way to keep your family healthy. Keeping your community healthy is just as important. Get vaccinated before the first day of school. #VaxToSchool

Vaccines are tested to ensure that they are safe and effective for children to receive at the recommended ages. Keep your kids healthy this school year. #VaxToSchool

Notebooks, pencils, glue, and vaccinations. These back to school essentials will keep your child healthy and prepared for a successful school year! #VaxToSchool

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This month for National Immunization Awareness Month, IDPH is highlighting the importance of getting required vaccines before the first day of school! Use #VaxToSchool to share why you get vaccines for your child.

IDPH is ready for #VaxToSchool! Getting your vaccinations will protect you from measles, mumps, chicken pox, and tetanus all school year long!

Vaccines reduce your child’s risk of infection by working with their body’s natural defenses to help them safely develop immunity to disease. Learn more: #VaxToSchool

Vaccines help keep all of us healthy. As this year’s nationwide measles outbreaks continue, make sure your children are protected against measles and other serious diseases. Learn more: #VaxToSchool

There’s still time to get your child’s required vaccinations before the first day of school! Contact your health care provider and make your appointment today. #VaxToSchool

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