Contact Tracing Training Plan

Contact Tracing Training Plan

Additional Training Objectives

Updated May 8, 2020

This page may be updated as new resources become available.

Describe COVID-19 contact tracing protocol

Live training (whether through videoconference or a live course on a learning management system) or an eLearning course with knowledge checks is suggested so that learners can receive immediate feedback. Inclusion of a post-test – as well as an electronic guide describing jurisdiction-specific protocols – is strongly recommended.

  • Describe in detail the actions and requirements associated with each step of the contact tracing process:
    • Test
    • Investigation and elicitation
    • Trace
    • Quarantine or isolate
    • Follow-up
  • Learn what “a day in the life” of a contact tracer looks like by hearing from an experienced contact tracer
  • Question-and-answer session

Apply COVID-19 online knowledge and contact tracing protocol to realistic scenarios

Live training (whether through videoconference or a live course on a learning management system) is suggested so that learners can receive real-time feedback and ask questions. Breakout sessions with smaller groups could be effective if multiple trainers or facilitators are available.

  • Review contact tracing protocol
  • Apply contact tracing protocol to the following scenarios:
    • Recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 but no signs/symptoms
    • Recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 with signs/symptoms
    • Someone with signs and symptoms of COVID-19 with no history of ill contacts
    • Feedback from trainer(s)/facilitator(s)
  • Practice handling difficult calls
    • Role play with trainer/facilitator feedback

Identify jurisdiction-specific contact tracing tools and protocols

An electronic guide, self-paced asynchronous eLearning, or live training (whether through videoconference or a live course on a learning management system) describing jurisdiction-specific protocols and resources is suggested, along with opportunities to answer contact tracers’ questions via teleconference and an online frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that is regularly updated based on teleconference discussions and other feedback from the field.

  • Receiving assignments
  • Documenting calls
    • Specifics of local processes and data collection
  • Working with non-English-speaking contacts
  • Working with contacts who have communication hearing-impairments
  • Follow-up resources for contacts
  • Discussion of how contact tracers should share insights from the field – points of contact, regular check-in calls or webinars, online FAQ, etc.

Analyze contact tracing encounters for continuous quality improvement

Virtual coaching and mentoring are suggested to provide opportunities for continuous quality improvement of contact tracing encounters.

  • Listening in on calls for quality
  • Using a rubric to documents contact tracers’ competencies and areas for improvement
  • Follow up discussion between supervisors and contact tracers on methods to improve the quality of the contact tracing experience
Additional Contact Tracing Training