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Apply COVID-19 Online Knowledge and Case Investigating Protocol to Realistic Scenarios

Apply COVID-19 Online Knowledge and Case Investigating Protocol to Realistic Scenarios

Case Investigator Training Plan

Updated May 14, 2020

Live skills-based training (whether through videoconference or a live course on a learning management system) is recommended so that learners can receive real-time feedback and ask questions. The use of scenarios to guide roles plays for patient interactions is recommended. Breakout sessions with smaller groups effective if multiple trainers/facilitators are available.

Content describing non-CDC tools on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to indicate endorsement, actual or implied, of the tools. Additionally, information on this site is provided “as is,” for users to evaluate and make their own determination as to their effectiveness.

This page may be updated as new resources become available.

Topic areas and training resources

  • Review of case investigation protocol
  • Skill-based practice of
    • Introductions and building rapport
    • Disease information and recommendations for seeking healthcare (if symptoms become severe)
    • Open ended questions to elicit close contacts (household, workplace, social, recreational, other community contacts)
  • Apply case investigation protocol to the following scenarios
    • Case is asymptomatic and doesn’t believe they are infectious
    • Case is asymptomatic and under pressure to continue working
    • Case is under pressure to return to work and symptoms are improving
    • Case is unstably housed
    • Case lives in a household with several other people who cannot distance themselves from the case (share a bathroom, bedroom, kitchen)
    • Case does not want to give you their contacts names or phone numbers.
    • Case is not answering phone calls
    • Suspected case wants to know why they are not being tested and demands a test
    • Case doesn’t understand isolation or how to do it given current life circumstances
    • Case has other challenges (disabled, mental health needs, or substance use challenges) and requires additional supports
    • Case is a health care provider (e.g., emergency room physician, acute care nurse) or works in a congregate setting (e.g., memory care home, group home, homeless shelter, correctional facility)
    • Case is an essential worker with public interfacing position (e.g. grocery checkout clerk) or works in a facility with a large number of people (e.g. food processing facility)
  • Role play with trainer/facilitator feedback

Training catalog

TB Contact Investigation Interviewing Skills Course: Introduction of Role Plays

Topic area: Role play

  • View:
  • Target audience: Public health professionals
  • Description: The TB Contact Investigation Interviewing Skills Course is designed as an interactive, skill-building training. The course provides an overview of the contact investigation process, basic communication and interviewing skills, and opportunities to apply those skills in role play activities.

Learning objectives:

  1. Gain practice interviewing a case
  2. Receive performance feedback from facilitators and other participants

TB Contact Investigation Interviewing Skills Course: Providing Feedback

Topic area: Role play

  • View:
  • Target audience: Public health professionals
  • Description: The TB Contact Investigation Interviewing Skills Course is designed as an interactive, skill-building training. The course provides an overview of the contact investigation process, basic communication and interviewing skills, and opportunities to apply those skills in role play activities.

Learning objectives:

  1. Why is feedback important?
  2. Components of constructive feedback
  3. Order of feedback
Printable Sample Case Investigators Plan
Case investigators sample plan

View or print all learning objectives and courses for the case investigators sample training plan.

View Case Investigators Sample Training Plan pdf icon[PDF - 26 pages]