How to make a FOIA Request to ONDCP

Requests made under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) can be submitted by email to; sent by fax at (202) 395-5543; or mailed to:

Office of Legal Counsel, Office of National Drug Control Policy
Attn: Chief FOIA Officer
1800 G Street NW
9th Floor
Washington DC 20005

ONDCP’s Public Liaison and Chief FOIA Officer Michael Passante and the manager of its FOIA Requestor Center Sandy Slater can be reached at (202) 395-6622.

Frequently Requested Records

FOIA Reports

Chief FOIA Officer’s Report

Visitor Records

A collection of monthly visitor logs can be found here.

Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act

Pursuant to the FAIR Act, ONDCP does not perform any commercial activities by in-house employees. Neither ONDCP nor its Director and staff endorse any commercial drug control product.

Guide for Unsolicited Proposals

ONDCP strongly encourages potential offers to participate in the preliminary process before expending time or money preparing an Unsolicited Proposal.

Information Quality Guidelines

The Office of National Drug Control Policy publishes these guidelines in accordance with the Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information disseminated by Federal Agencies (Government-wide guidelines) published in interim final form by OMB in the Federal Register in Volume 66, No. 189 at 49718 on Friday, September 8, 2001, and in final form in Volume 2, No. 67 at 8452 on February 2, 2002.