Hawki Advisory Groups

Hawki Board of Directors

The Hawki Board is a group of people and directors of other state agencies who are appointed by the Governor or who are members of the Legislature. The Hawki Board was established to provide direction to the Iowa Department of Human Services on the development, implementation, and ongoing administration of the Hawki program. The Hawki Board is required by law to meet at least six times per year and usually meets on the third Monday of every other month. Most meetings are scheduled from 12:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. at the Hoover State Office Building 1305 E Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50319 in A-Level Conference Room 7. Anyone may attend and observe a Board meeting. At the end of the meeting, there is time for the public to make comments and ask questions. 

Hawki Board of Directors Meeting   

Next Meeting: February 2021
Date and Time:



Meeting Agenda:

Agenda (to come)

Materials (to come)

Conference Call:


Hawki Board of Directors Member List

2021 Hawki Board Meetings

February  2021 -- Agenda (to come) -- Minutes (to come) -- Materials (to come)

2020 Hawki Board Meetings

February 17, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
April 20, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
June 15, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
July 20, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
August 17, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
October 19, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
December 14, 2020 -- Agenda -- Minutes (to come) -- Materials

2019 Hawki Board Meetings

February 18, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
March 1, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 15, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 23, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
June 17, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
August 19, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes
October 21, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes -- Materials
December 16, 2019 -- Agenda -- Minutes

2018 Hawki Board Meetings

December 5, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes
October 29, 2018 --  Agenda -- Minutes
October 15, 2018 -- CANCELLED
August 20, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes
June 27, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes
May 21, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 16, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes
March 1, 2018 -- Agenda -- Minutes

2017 Hawki Board Meetings

December 18, 2017 -- Agenda -- Minutes
October 16, 2017 -- Agenda -- Minutes
August 21, 2017 -- Agenda -- Minutes
June 19, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
May 15, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 17, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
February 20, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes

Archive of previous Hawki Board Meetings

Hawki Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Hawki CAC is a group of healthcare providers who meet on a quarterly basis to discuss issues regarding the benefits and the quality of healthcare provided through the Hawki program.

Hawki Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting

2018 Hawki CAC Meeting Schedule

2017 Schedule is the third Thursday quarterly
January 18, 2018
April 19, 2018
July 19, 2018
October 18, 2018

Next Meeting: Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) Meeting
Date and Time: Thursday, October 19, 2017 
7:30 A.M. - 8:30 A.M.
Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
100 Army Post Road
Conference Room 104
Des Moines, IA

Meeting Agenda:

Conference Call 1-866-685-1580
Code: 000-999-0230

Hawki Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) Members

2017 Hawki Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) Meetings

October 19, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
July 20, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 20, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
January 19, 2017 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes

2016 Hawki Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) Meetings

October 20, 2016 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
July 21, 2016 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
April 21, 2016 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes
January 21, 2016 Meeting -- Agenda -- Minutes

Archive of previous Hawki CAC Meeting Agendas and Minutes (to come)