Job Training

Food Assistance Employment and Training program - Provides employment and training services to nonFIP food assistance recipients for the purpose of enhancing their employability. Please visit the Food Assistance Employment and Training page for more information. 
PROMISE JOBS and Family Development and Self-SufficiencyFor information on Employment and training visit PROMISE JOBS and Family Development and Self-Sufficiency (FaDSS), please visit the Employment and Training page. 
Refugee Services - Provides a variety of employment related services to refugees living in Iowa. Employment services are designed to enable refugees to obtain employment and to improve their employability or work skills. 
Iowa Workforce Development - Iowa Workforce Development contributes to the economic security of Iowa’s workers, businesses and communities through a comprehensive statewide system of employment services, education and regulation of health, safety and employment laws. The Iowa Department of Human Services does NOT provide Iowa Workforce Development services. Please visit the Iowa Workforce Development website for more information.