Public Notices

1/7/2021 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period to Amend the 1115 Iowa Wellness Plan Demonstration Waiver
12/8/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Outpatient Hospital Base Rate Rebase
11/10/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for State Plan Amendment (SPA) 20-019, Day Habilitation Services and Reserved Capactiy Slot Criteria
10/30/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for 1915(b) Waiver Renewal
10/9/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Physician Assistants Billing (SPA IA-20-017)
9/8/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Annual Public Forum Set for Input on 1115 Iowa Wellness Plan (IWP) Demonstration Waiver
7/30/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Medical Exemption Process for the Iowa Health and Wellness Plan (IHAWP)
5/28/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Chronic Condition Health Homes and Integrated Health Homes State Plan Amendments (SPAs) (SPA IA-20-010, SPA IA-20-011)
5/1/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Supplemental Payments for Physician and Professional Services at Qualifying Iowa State-Owned or Operated Professional Services Practices (SPA IA-20-009)
2/24/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Updating the Premium Schedule for Medicaid for Employed People with Disabilities (MEPD) Program (SPA IA-20-003)
2/24/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Requirements for Third Party Liability (TPL) Payment of Claims (SPA IA-20-004)
2/13/2020 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Pharmacist Scope of Practice and Vaccine Reimbursement (SPA IA-20-001)
12/12/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) AIDS/HIV Waiver Renewal
11/4/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Statewide Transition Plan (STP)
10/14/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Statewide Transition Plan (STP)
8/30/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Dental Fee Schedule Effective Date and Community Mental Health Center Cost Settlement Process Update (SPA IA-19-004)
8/29/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Dental Benefit Changes in the Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) (SPAs IA-19-013 & 19-014)
6/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rates (SPA IA-19-011)
6/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Reimbursement Rates (SPA IA-19-010)
6/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Home Health Low Utilization Payment Amount (LUPA) Rebase (SPA IA-19-009)
6/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Critical Access Hospital Cost Adjustment Factor (SPA IA-19-008)
6/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Updating the Premium Schedule for MEPD Program (SPA IA-19-005)
6/7/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period for Iowa Medicaid Dental PAHP Quality Strategy
5/31/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Cost Sharing Tracking 
5/10/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period to Extend the 1115 Iowa Wellness Demonstration Waiver
4/11/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period For 1915(c) Brain Injury Waiver Renewal
2/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Implement A Ground Emergency Medical Transportation (GEMT) Supplemental Payment Program
2/28/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period For Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) State Plan Amendments
1/23/2019 PUBLIC NOTICE: Public Comment Period For 1915(b) Waiver Amendment
12/21/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE: Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction for Therapy Services
12/6/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE: HCBS Intellectual Disability (ID) Waiver Renewal
11/13/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE: Changes to Nursing Facility (NF) Quality Assurance Assessment Fees
10/17/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE: DHS Employment and Training Expansion Workgroup
09/12/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE: Mandatory Reporter Training and Certification Workgroup
09/04/2018 Public Notice: Medicaid Copayments for Prescription Drugs
08/17/2018 Public Notice: 30 Day Hospital Readmission Policy - Exclusion for Planned Procedures
08/17/2018 Public Notice: Inpatient Hospital Rate Rebase/Diagnosis Related Group Weight Recalibration
08/02/2018 Public Notice: HCBS Habilitation Case Management
08/01/2018 Public Notice: Increase Pharmacy Dispensing Fee Rate
07/20/2018 Public Notice: Public Comment Period to Amend Iowa's 1115 Demonstration Waiver
06/29/2018 Public Notice: Increase Home Health Agency Low Utilization Payment Adjustment Rates
06/29/2018 Public Notice: Implement a Statewide Fee Schedule Reimbursement for Case Management Services
06/27/2018 Public Notice: Expand Nursing Facility Special Population Definition
06/25/2018 Public Notice: Council on Human Services Two-Year Budget for SFY 2020 and SFY 2021 Recommendations and Legislative Package meeting
06/01/2018 Public Notice: Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Amendments: Habilitation
06/01/2018 Public Notice: Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Amendments: Physical Disability Waiver
06/01/2018 Public Notice: Home-and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Amendments: Intellectual Disability Waiver
06/01/2018 Public Notice: Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Amendments: Brain Injury Waiver
06/01/2018 Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Amendments: AIDS/HIV Waiver
05/30/2018 Public Notice: Regarding Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) State Plan Benefits
05/30/2018 Public Notice: Proposed Remedies Used to Enforce Compliance for Long-Term Care Facilities with Deficiencies
05/25/2018 Public Notice: Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Technical Changes
04/13/2018 Public Notice: Elderly Waiver Renewal
04/06/2018 Public Notice: Children’s Mental Health Waiver Renewal
03/01/2018 Public Notice: Iowa State-Owned Acute Care Teaching Hospital Graduate Medical Education Supplemental Payments
12/04/2017 Public Notice: Regarding Iowa State Innovation Model (SIM) Healthcare Innovation and Visioning Roundtable Meeting


Public Notice: Intellectual Disability (ID) Waiver Tiered Rate Amendment


Public Notice: Health and Disability Waiver Renewal


Public Notice: Regarding Outpatient Hospital Base Rate Rebase


Public Notice: Regarding Physical Disability Waiver Renewal 


Public Notice: Regarding Nursing Facility Per Diem Rate Rebase (SPA-IA-17-013)


Public Notice: Regarding Non-State Government-Owned or Operated Nursing Facility Upper Payment Limit (SPA-IA-17-014)


Public Notice: Regarding Home Health LUPA Rebase (SPA-IA-17-012)


Public Notice: Regarding Retroactive Benefits


Public Notice: Regarding Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Payments (SPA IA-17-015)


Public Notice: Regarding Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) State Plan Benefits (SPA IA-17-011)


Public Notice: Regarding Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) Alternative Benefit Plan (SPA IA-17-010)


Public Notice: Regarding Dental Wellness Plan (DWP) Cost Sharing (SPA IA-17-009)


Public Notice: Affordable Care Act (ACA) Enhanced Payment (SPA IA-17-008)


Public Notice: Site of Service Differential (SPA IA-17-007)


Public Notice: Regarding Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Cost Outlier (SPA IA-17-006)


Public Notice: Regarding Anesthesia Conversion Factor (SPA IA-17-005)


Public Notice: Regarding Medicare Crossover Claims (SPA IA-17-004)


Public Notice: Regarding Medicaid Dental Program Redesign for Medicaid Adults


Request for Information: Medicaid Dental Program Redesign for Medicaid Adults


Notice of Proposed Changes in Methods and Standards for Setting Medicaid Payment Rates for Providers of Pharmacy Services (SPA IA-16-029)


Notice of Proposed Changes in Nursing Facility Reimbursement (SPA IA-16-018)


Access Monitoring Review Plan


Notice of Proposed Changes to Rural Hospital DSH Funds (SPA IA-16-019)


Notice of Proposed Changes in Pharmacy Dispensing Fee (SPA IA-16-014)