Other Events

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Throughout the year, NCD hosts or is invited to participate at a variety of conferences and other events. Many of these opportunities afford NCD additional opportunities to share information about NCD's policy reports and papers and to hear from important community stakeholders about issues that affect their lives and inform the policy work NCD does. Below are links to upcoming events as well as recent past events at which NCD has been honored to participate.

2019 Events

October 28, 2019 -- Briefing:  Transitions Away from 14c Toward Competitive, Integrated Employment

June 5, 2019 -- Briefing:  Transitions Away from 14c Toward Competitive, Integrated Employment

2018 Events

November 15, 2018 -- Briefing: "Vouchers, Charter Schools, and Students with Disabilities"

September 26, 2018 -- Briefing: "Successes of Youth with Disabilities Transitioning from School to Competitive, Integrated Employment"

March 19, 2018 -- Briefing on Legislative Responses to NCD's "Not on the Radar: Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities" report

January 30, 2018 -- Policy Briefing and Report Release on Sexual Assault of College Students with Disabilities

2017 Events

June 22, 2017 -- Policy Briefing on Eliminating Subminimum Wage and Support for Competitive, Integrated Employment

2016 Events

December 9, 2016 -- First Responders and the Disability Community

October 7, 2016 -- Policy Briefing and Report Release -- National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

January 19, 26 & February 2, 2016 -- Affordable Care Act Community Phone Briefings

2015 Events

August 31, 2015 -- Medicaid Managed Care and Community-Based Forum in Madison WI

July 28, 2015 --NCD Congressional Briefing: "Re-imagining the Social Security System for the 21st Century"

January 29, 2015 -- NCD Policy Briefing: "Securing the Social Contract: Reforming Social Security Disability"

February 12, 2015 -- Medicaid Managed Care and Community-Based Forum