FOIA e-Library

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NCD strives to proactively publish as much information about NCD and our work processes as possible. That way, information that might be requested via a FOIA request can be readily found by any member of the public on our website, but not necessarily in this e-library. Examples of available documents on our website are: NCD Bylaws; Performance and Results Act Reports ; Congressional Budget Justification Reports; Financial Audit Reports; NCD strategic plan; Letters to stakeholders; NCD reports and NCD’s FOIA policy and procedures for requesters. While NCD publications are posted throughout the website, non-NCD documents, such as official government responses to NCD letters, will be posted here to the NCD FOIA e-Library. If you need help to determine whether the information you seek is posted to our website please contact NCD’s FOIA Public Liaison, Amy Nicholas, at 202-272-2008 or