Meetings & Events

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Council Meetings

The Members of the National Council on Disability meet several times throughout the year to discuss agency priorities, policy trends, and other agency business. Pursuant to the Sunshine Act, meetings of official business of the National Council on Disability are open to the public, with the exception of executive sessions, which may be closed pursuant to the exemptions of the Sunshine Act.

People with disabilities and organizations that represent the interests of people with disabilities are always encouraged to attend these meetings. Those who plan to attend a meeting and require accommodations should notify NCD as soon as possible to allow time to make arrangements.

2020 Meetings:

January 27, 2020
2-hour teleconference business meeting
Federal Register Notice

May 18, 2020
2-hour teleconference business meeting
Federal Register Notice

July 24, 2020
2-hour teleconference business meeting
Washington, DC
Federal Register Notice

November 19, 2020
Teleconference Council Meeting
Federal Register Notice
