Town Health Officers

Town Health Officers

Town Health Officer for Hartford beside fire truck

Need a local contact? Find Your Town Health Officer

By law, every town and city in Vermont has a local board of health. The local board of health consists of the town health officer and town select board (or city council). The duties and responsibilities of Vermont boards of health are established by state statute.

Town health officers are responsible for:

  • Investigating possible public health hazards and risks within the town or city
  • Taking action to prevent, remove, or destroy any public health hazards
  • Taking action to lessen significant public health risks
  • Enforcing health laws, rules and permit conditions, and taking the steps necessary to enforce orders
Contact Information

Environmental Health Division
108 Cherry Street  
P.O. Box 70 – Drawer 30
Burlington, VT 05402-0070
Phone: 802-863-7220 or
800-439-8550 (toll-free in Vermont)
Fax: 802-863-7483

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