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Nutrition and Weight Status

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Healthier Food Access

Baseline: 24 States had nutrition standards for foods and beverages provided to preschool-aged children in child care in 2006
Target: 34 States (can include the District of Columbia)
Target-Setting Method: Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, and laws.
Data Sources:
National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulations, National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (NRC); State Child Care Licensing Websites
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NWS-2 Increase the proportion of schools that offer nutritious foods and beverages outside of school meals
Baseline: 9.3 percent of schools did not sell or offer calorically sweetened beverages to students in 2006
Target: 21.3 percent
Target-Setting Method: Projection/trend analysis
Data Sources:
School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS), CDC/NCHHSTP
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Baseline: 6.6 percent of school districts required schools to make fruits or vegetables available whenever other foods are offered or served in 2006
Target: 18.6 percent
Target-Setting Method: Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, and laws.
Data Sources:
School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS), CDC/NCHHSTP
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Baseline: 8 States (including the District of Columbia) had State-level policies that incentivized food retail outlets to provide foods that are encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines in 2009
Target: 18 States (including the District of Columbia)
Target-Setting Method: Projection/trend analysis
Data Sources:
State Indicator Report on Fruits and Vegetables, CDC
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Health Care and Worksite Settings

NWS-5 Increase the proportion of primary care physicians who regularly measure the body mass index of their patients
Baseline: 48.7 percent of primary care physicians regularly assessed body mass index (BMI) of their adult patients in 2008
Target: 53.6 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Survey of Energy Balance Related Care among Primary Care Physicians, FDA and NIH/NCI/APR
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Baseline: 49.7 percent of primary care physicians regularly assessed body mass index (BMI) for age and sex of their child or adolescent patients in 2008
Target: 54.7 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Survey of Energy Balance Related Care among Primary Care Physicians, FDA and NIH/NCI/APR
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NWS-6 Increase the proportion of physician office visits that include counseling or education related to nutrition or weight
Baseline: 11.5 percent of physician office visits by adult patients with a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hyperlipidemia included counseling or education related to diet or nutrition in 2012 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 12.7 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-17.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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Baseline: 14.2 percent of physician office visits by adult patients who are obese included counseling or education related to weight reduction, nutrition, or physical activity in 2012 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 15.6 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), CDC/NCHS
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Baseline: 7.9 percent of physician office visits by all child or adults patients included counseling about nutrition or diet in 2012 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 15.2 percent
Target-Setting Method: Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, and laws.
Data Sources:
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), CDC/NCHS
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Weight Status

Baseline: 30.8 percent of persons aged 20 years and over were at a healthy weight in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 33.9 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-01.
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NWS-9 Reduce the proportion of adults who are obese

Leading Health Indicators are a subset of Healthy People 2020 objectives selected to communicate high-priority health issues.


This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 33.9 percent of persons aged 20 years and over were obese in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 30.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-02.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-10 Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents who are considered obese
Baseline: 10.4 percent of children aged 2 to 5 years were considered obese in 2005–08
Target: 9.4 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Baseline: 17.4 percent of children aged 6 to 11 years were considered obese in 2005–08
Target: 15.7 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-03a.
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Baseline: 17.9 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 19 years were considered obese in 2005–08
Target: 16.1 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-03b.
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NWS-10.4 Reduce the proportion of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years who are considered obese

Leading Health Indicators are a subset of Healthy People 2020 objectives selected to communicate high-priority health issues.


This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 16.1 percent of children and adolescents aged 2 to 19 years were considered obese in 2005–08
Target: 14.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-03c.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-11 (Developmental) Prevent inappropriate weight gain in youth and adults
Potential Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Potential Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Potential Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Potential Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Potential Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Food Insecurity

Baseline: 1.3 percent of households with children had very low food security among children in 2008
Target: 0.2 percent
Target-Setting Method: Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, and laws.
Data Sources:
Current Population Survey-Food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS), Census and USDA/ERS
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Baseline: 14.6 percent of households were food insecure in 2008
Target: 6.0 percent
Target-Setting Method: Retention of Healthy People 2010 target
Data Sources:
Current Population Survey-Food Security Supplement (CPS-FSS), Census and USDA/ERS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-18.
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Food and Nutrient Consumption

Baseline: 0.53 cup equivalent of fruits per 1,000 calories was the mean daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 0.93 cup equivalent per 1,000 calories
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-05.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-15 Increase the variety and contribution of vegetables to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older
NWS-15.1 Increase the contribution of total vegetables to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older

Leading Health Indicators are a subset of Healthy People 2020 objectives selected to communicate high-priority health issues.


This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 0.76 cup equivalent of total vegetables per 1,000 calories was the mean daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 1.16 cup equivalent per 1,000 calories
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-06.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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Baseline: 0.29 cup equivalent of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas per 1,000 calories was the mean daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 0.53 cup equivalent per 1,000 calories
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-06.
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Baseline: 0.34 ounce equivalent of whole grains per 1,000 calories was the mean daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 0.66 ounce equivalent per 1,000 calories
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-07.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-17 Reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and added sugars in the population aged 2 years and older
NWS-17.1 Reduce consumption of calories from solid fats

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Baseline: 16.6 percent was the mean percentage of total daily calorie intake from solid fats for the population aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 14.2 percent
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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NWS-17.2 Reduce consumption of calories from added sugars

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 15.1 percent was the mean percentage of total daily calorie intake from added sugars for the population aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 9.7 percent
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-17.3 Reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and added sugars

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 31.7 percent was the mean percentage of total daily calorie intake from solid fats and added sugars for the population aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 25.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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NWS-18 Reduce consumption of saturated fat in the population aged 2 years and older

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 11.3 percent was the mean percentage of total daily calorie intake provided by saturated fat for the population aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 9.9 percent
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-08.
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NWS-19 Reduce consumption of sodium in the population aged 2 years and older

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 3,658 milligrams of sodium from foods, dietary supplements, antacids, drinking water, and salt use at the table was the mean total daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2009–12 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 2,300 milligrams
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-10.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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NWS-20 Increase consumption of calcium in the population aged 2 years and older

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 1,099 milligrams of calcium from foods, dietary supplements, antacids, and drinking water was the mean total daily intake by persons aged 2 years and over in 2005–08 (age adjusted to the year 2000 standard population)
Target: 1,384 milligrams
Target-Setting Method: Modeling
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-11.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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Iron Deficiency

NWS-21 Reduce iron deficiency among young children and females of childbearing age
Baseline: 15.9 percent of children aged 1 to 2 years were iron deficient in 2005–08
Target: 14.3 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-12a.
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Baseline: 5.3 percent of children aged 3 to 4 years were iron deficient in 2005–08
Target: 4.3 percent
Target-Setting Method: Maintain consistency with national programs, regulations, policies, and laws.
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-12b.
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NWS-21.3 Reduce iron deficiency among females aged 12 to 49 years

This objective was revised. See Revision History for Details.

Baseline: 10.5 percent of females aged 12 to 49 years old were iron deficient in 2005–08
Target: 9.4 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-12c.
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Revision History: This objective was revised. Read more about the revision history.
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Baseline: 16.1 percent of pregnant females were iron deficient in 2003–06
Target: 14.5 percent
Target-Setting Method: 10 percent improvement
Data Sources:
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), CDC/NCHS
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Healthy People 2010 The HP2010 objective with the same definition was 19-14.
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