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Audits, Inspections, and Evaluations

View DHS OIG Reports. Use the exposed filters to find the data you are seeking.
Report Number Title Issue Date Sort ascending Fiscal Year
OIG-21-13 CBP's Configuration Management Practices Did Not Effectively Prevent System Outage 2021
OIG-21-14 Ineffective Implementation of Corrective Actions Diminishes DHS' Oversight of Its Pandemic Planning 2021
OIG-21-12 ICE Needs to Address Prolonged Administrative Segregation and Other Violations at the Imperial Regional Detention Facility 2021
OIG-21-11 TSA Needs to Improve Management of the Quiet Skies Program (REDACTED) 2021
OIG-21-10 FEMA Should Disallow $12.2 Million in Disaster Case Management Program Grant Funds Awarded to New York for Hurricane Sandy 2021
OIG-21-08 Independent Auditors' Report on DHS' FY 2020 Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting 2021
OIG-21-09 DHS Components Have Not Fully Complied with the Department's Guidelines for Implementing the Lautenberg Amendment 2021
OIG-21-07 Major Management and Performance Challenges Facing the Department of Homeland Security 2021
OIG-21-06 DHS Privacy Office Needs to Improve Oversight of Department-wide Activities, Programs, and Initiatives 2021
OIG-21-05 Management Alert - FPS Did Not Properly Designate DHS Employees Deployed to Protect Federal Properties under 40 U.S.C. § 1315(b)(1) 2021
OIG-21-04 FIMA Made Progress Modernizing Its NFIP System, but Data Quality Needs Improvement 2021
OIG-21-03 ICE Needs to Address Concerns About Detainee Care and Treatment at the Howard County Detention Center 2021
OIG-21-02 CBP Has Taken Steps to Limit Processing of Undocumented Aliens at Ports of Entry 2021
OIG-21-01 DHS Has Secured the Nation's Election Systems, but Work Remains to Protect the Infrastructure 2021
OIG-20-79 CBP's Entry Reconciliation Program Puts Revenue at Risk 2020
OIG-20-80 DHS Cannot Determine the Total Cost, Effectiveness, and Value of Its Joint Task Forces 2020
OIG-20-77 Evaluation of DHS' Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2019 2020
OIG-20-75 CBP Does Not Have a Comprehensive Strategy for Meeting Its LS-NII Needs 2020
OIG-20-78 CBP Did Not Adequately Oversee FY 2019 Appropriated Humanitarian Funding 2020
OIG-20-74 DHS Made Limited Progress to Improve Information Sharing under the Cybersecurity Act in Calendar Years 2017 and 2018 2020
OIG-20-76 FEMA Mismanaged the Commodity Distribution Process in Response to Hurricanes Irma and Maria 2020
OIG-20-73 DHS Faces Challenges in Meeting the Responsibilities of the Geospatial Data Act of 2018 2020
OIG-20-71 Review of CBP's Major Cybersecurity Incident During a 2019 Biometric Pilot 2020
OIG-20-72 Oversight Review of the Office of the Chief Security Officer, Internal Security Division 2020
OIG-20-63 FEMA Should Recover $216.2 Million Awarded to the Recovery School District in Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina 2020
OIG-20-68 FEMA Is Not Effectively Administering a Program to Reduce or Eliminate Damage to Severe Repetitive Loss Properties 2020
OIG-20-69 Early Experiences with COVID-19 at Border Patrol Stations and OFO Ports of Entry 2020
OIG-20-70 Management Alert - CBP Needs to Award A Medical Services Contract Quickly to Ensure No Gap in Services 2020
OIG-20-67 Five Laredo and San Antonio Area CBP Facilities Generally Complied with the National Standards on Transport, Escort, Detention, and Search 2020
OIG-20-66 DHS Inconsistently Implemented Administrative Forfeiture Authorities Under CAFRA 2020
OIG-20-64 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Compliance with Use of Force Policy for Incidents on November 25, 2018 and January 1, 2019 - Law Enforcement Sensitive 2020
OIG-20-65 Children Waited for Extended Periods in Vehicles to Be Reunified with Their Parents at ICE's Port Isabel Detention Center in July 2018 2020
OIG-20-62 DHS Has Made Progress in Meeting DATA Act Requirements, But Challenges Remain 2020
OIG-20-59 HSI Effectively Contributes to the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, But Partnering Agreements Could Be Improved (REDACTED) 2020
OIG-20-60 FEMA Has Paid Billions in Improper Payments for SBA Dependent Other Needs Assistance since 2003 2020
OIG-20-44 Pre-Disaster Debris Removal Contracts in Florida 2020
OIG-20-61 Progress and Challenges in Modernizing DHS' IT Systems and Infrastructure 2020
OIG-20-58 FEMA Did Not Properly Award and Oversee the Transitional Sheltering Assistance Contract 2020
OIG-20-55 CBP Needs a Comprehensive Process for Conducting Covert Testing and Resolving Vulnerabilities - (REDACTED) 2020
OIG-20-57 FEMA's Public Assistance Grant to PREPA and PREPA's Contracts with Whitefish and Cobra Did Not Fully Comply with Federal Laws and Program Guidelines 2020
OIG-20-56 DHS' Process for Responding to FOIA and Congressional Requests 2020
OIG-20-54 Special Report - ICE Should Document Its Process for Adjudicating Disciplinary Matters Involving Senior Executive Service Employees 2020
OIG-20-50 Early Warning Audit of FEMA Public Assistance Grants to Polk County School Board, Florida 2020
OIG-20-51 Early Warning Audit of FEMA Public Assistance Grants in Monroe County, Florida 2020
OIG-20-53 DHS Is Not Coordinating the Department's Efforts to Defend the Nation's Food, Agriculture, and Veterinary Systems against Terrorism 2020
OIG-20-47 Evaluation of DHS' Compliance with Federal Information Security Modernization Act Requirements for Intelligence Systems for Fiscal Year 2019 2020
OIG-20-48 Early Warning Audit of FEMA Public Assistance Grants to Lee County, Florida 2020
OIG-20-49 Houston, Texas Has Adequate Policies, Procedures, and Business Practices to Manage Its FEMA Grant 2020
OIG-20-52 CBP Has Not Demonstrated Acquisition Capabilities Needed to Secure the Southern Border 2020
OIG-20-46 Early Warning Audit of FEMA Public Assistance Grants to Collier County, Florida 2020