Who We Are

Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity - Who We Are

The Intelligence Community Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity (EEOD) Office is responsible for the overall management of the ODNI EEO and Diversity Program, and provides IC-wide oversight and guidance in developing, implementing, and measuring progress in EEO, diversity, and inclusion. The Chief of IC EEOD is the principal advisor to the DNI and IC senior leaders on issues related to equity, fairness, diversity, and inclusion, and reports directly to the DNI. The IC EEOD Office is responsible for developing, implementing, and measuring performance against the five year ODNI Diversity and Inclusion Plan, the five year IC EEO and Diversity Strategic Plan, and the ODNI Management Directive 715 EEO Program Status Report. 

The IC EEOD Office is committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all employees and applicants on the basis of merit and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, and physical or mental disability. The objective is to promote full realization of equal employment opportunity through a continuing affirmative employment program that aims to eliminate discrimination based on factors irrelevant to job performance.


Intelligence Community senior leaders believe strongly that diversity is a mission-critical imperative, essential to ensuring our nation's security and success in the war on terror. To combat new, global, and increasingly complex national security threats, the IC must employ, develop, and retain a dynamic, agile workforce that reflects diversity in its broadest context cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, race, gender,  age, disability, gender identify, heritage, language proficiency, and perspectives. While the IC continues to move forward in achieving these goals, much more needs to be done to accelerate our progress and focus on results in diversity and inclusion.


In early 2006, the DNI appointed the first Chief of EEO for the IC and made the decision soon thereafter to merge this office with the IC Diversity Strategies Division (formerly in the IC Chief Human Capital Office) to better integrate EEO and diversity functions and leverage resources. This new Office of IC EEO and Diversity (EEOD) reports directly to the DNI. In addition to its IC-wide responsibilities, IC EEOD also provides these services for the ODNI workforce and organization. In July 2005, the DNI issued his first DNI's Policy Statement on Diversity to the IC.


IC EEOD Hotline – 301-243-0704