
Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General - Hotline


Federal Government Employees have an affirmative legal obligation to disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities.

Executive Order 12731, § 101(k) (Oct. 17, 1990);
5 C.F.R. § 2635.101(b)(11), Basic Obligations of Public Service

PPEIC Square

Principles of Professional Ethics for the IC

"We are responsible stewards of the public trust; we use intelligence authorities and resources prudently, protect intelligence sources and methods diligently, report wrongdoing through appropriate channels; and remain accountable to ourselves, our oversight institutions, and through those institutions, ultimately to the American people."

How to Report Waste, Fraud, and Abuse


Phone: 1-855-731-3260

Fax:      1-571-204-8088

Mail:     Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community,
                 Investigations Division, Reston 3, Washington, D.C. 20511

Email:    Fill out the Hotline Intake Form, then email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To request an External Review Panel, fill out the ERP Form.
To report a matter of urgent concern, fill out the Urgent Concern Disclosure Form.
Adobe Reader is recommended (supports filling in form fields).


What is reportable?

The ICIG is authorized to investigate complaints or information concerning allegations of a violation of law, rule, regulation, waste, fraud, abuse of authority, or a substantial or specific danger to public health and safety in connection with ODNI and/or IC intelligence programs and activities.


Can I be punished for contacting the ICIG?
Reprisal against an employee for making a complaint or disclosing information to the ICIG is prohibited. Those who believe they have been subjected to reprisal due to a complaint or disclosure, should contact the ICIG immediately. Protection from reprisal does not extend to an employee who makes a complaint or discloses information with knowledge that the complaint or information is false or with willful disregard for its truth or falsity.


Who will handle this allegation?
The ICIG reviews and assesses each allegation and determines if it should be handled by the ICIG or referred to another appropriate office for resolution.


Can I be anonymous?
Yes, you can report anonymously. However, it would help ICIG's review to have someone to contact for additional information. The ICIG will not disclose the identity of the complainant without their consent, unless the ICIG determines such disclosure is unavoidable in the course of carrying out its responsibilities to resolve the complaint. ICIG encourages you to identify yourself in your report to allow for follow up.

To report anonymously, you may call the ICIG at 855-731-3260 or submit a form online.


Looking for another IG's contact information, or not sure where to submit? Visit the Counsel of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency's reporting tool and questionnaire.

Additional Information