As of September 2020, CNCS is operating under the name AmeriCorps. CNCS OIG is adopting that practice and becoming AmeriCorps OIG

Madison County Woman Agrees to Pay Damages for Submitting False Claims to AmeriCorps Program

Our Lady of Lourdes Agrees to Pay Over $1.1M

Semianual Report to Congress 2020 Volume 2

Reporting Period April 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020

Management Alert: Unrealistic Transformation Plan Unnecessarily Jeopardizes CNCS Mission

What We Do

The Corporation for National and Community Service Office of Inspector General (CNCS-OIG) is an independent office within CNCS that provides oversight of the agency's programs and operations to protect the integrity of national service. CNCS-OIG performs audits, evaluations and investigations of CNCS, its grantees and contractors, to promote efficiency and effectiveness, and to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse. The Office is staffed with auditors, investigators, attorneys, information technology and other specialists who ensure that we meet our core functions and responsibilities.

Maintaining close working relationships with CNCS and its awardees help us focus our efforts on priority areas and facilitate our proactive educational efforts.  The Office consults CNCS in developing plans and obtains agency feedback on reports before they are issued. Semiannually, CNCS-OIG submits a summary report of its activities to the Congress and CNCS leadership.