Roles & Privileges


When an applicant organization user registers with, the organization E-Business Point of Contact (EBiz POC) -- or a user with the Expanded AOR role -- can assign the user a core role, a custom role, or no role. Role Types


E-Business Point of Contact  EBiz POC Role Icon

The E-Business Point of Contact (EBiz POC) works primarily at the administrative level to (among other tasks) assign roles to organization users once they register with


Core Roles   Expanded AOR Role Icon   AOR Role Icon   Workspace Manager Role Icon

Users assigned a core role have a specified list of privileges inside The Expanded AOR role comes with the most privileges, some of which are administrative. The Standard AOR role allows the user to submit the final application, among other things. The Workspace Manager role, meanwhile, is the most basic core role in It is the minimum role required to create a workspace and begin work on an application.


Assigning and Using Custom Roles   Custom Role Icon

Users with a custom role can be given any combination of the below privileges. If your organization uses custom roles rather than the core roles in, we encourage you to develop internal training resources based around your custom roles. Why? The Online User Guide uses the core roles (i.e., Workspace Manager, Standard AOR, and Expanded AOR) to explain which users may access and perform actions.


The following table lists the privileges associated with each core role, as well as those associated with the EBiz POC.


Privilege (Click for Details) Type EBiz POC Role Icon Expanded AOR Role Icon AOR Role Icon Workspace Manager Role Icon
Manage Organization Expanded Available to EBiz POC Available with Expanded AOR Role    
View Organization Standard     Available with Standard AOR Role  
Manage Applicants (All Roles) Expanded Available to EBiz POC Available with Expanded AOR Role    
Manage Applicants (Basic Workspace Roles) Standard     Available with Standard AOR Role  
Manage Certificates Expanded Available to EBiz POC Available with Expanded AOR Role    
Create Workspace Basic   Available with Expanded AOR Role Available with Standard AOR Role Available with Workspace Manager Role
Own Workspace Basic   Available with Expanded AOR Role Available with Standard AOR Role Available with Workspace Manager Role
Manage Participants for Organization Workspaces Expanded   Available with Expanded AOR Role    
Manage Participants for My Workspaces Standard     Available with Standard AOR Role  
Participant Activities for Organization Workspaces Expanded   Available with Expanded AOR Role    
Submit Applications for Organization Workspaces Expanded   Available with Expanded AOR Role    
Submit Applications for My Workspaces Standard     Available with Standard AOR Role  
Check Application Status for Organization Expanded   Available with Expanded AOR Role    



Workspace-Level Actions

There are additional actions that can be taken by registered users within a workspace.


Participants in a Workspace   Workspace Owner Icon   Workspace AOR Icon   Workspace Participant Icon

Except for applicants with the Expanded AOR role, users must be added to a workspace (become "participants") in order to complete workspace-level actions. Generally, workspace participants fall into one of three categories: The Workspace Owner typically serves as an administrator for that particular Workspace. Any participant with the AOR role is able to submit the application and is informally called a Workspace AOR. All other non-AOR users added to a workspace are called Workspace Participants; no roles are required to be a Workspace Participant.

The following table lists the actions that each participant type can take within a workspace. Contrast these actions with those available to any user with the Expanded AOR role.


Action in a Workspace Expanded AOR Role Icon Workspace Owner Icon Workspace AOR Icon Workspace Participant Icon
Add Participants Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Reassign Ownership Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Become a Workspace Owner*     Action Available to Workspace AOR Action Available to a Workspace Participant
Select/Deselect Optional Forms Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR Action Available to Workspace Participant
Assign Form-Level Access Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Complete Forms Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR Action Available to Workspace Participant
Lock/Unlock Forms Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace Participant
Override Locks Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Check Application Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR Action Available to Workspace Participant
Complete and Notify AOR**   Action Available to Workspace Owner    
Submit Application Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role   Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Reopen Workspace Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner Action Available to Workspace AOR  
Delete Workspace Action Available to User with Expanded AOR Role Action Available to Workspace Owner    

* Workspace ownership requires that users/participants have a role with the "Own Workspace" privilege.

** If a Workspace Owner has a "Submit Applications..." privilege, then the Complete and Notify AOR action will not be available to him/her.


Form-Level Access

Form-level access can be assigned at the organization level by the EBiz POC and/or by a user with the Expanded AOR role.

At the workspace level, access to forms can be assigned by a user with the Expanded AOR role, the Workspace Owner, and/or by any participant who has the Standard AOR role.

The following table lists the three form access levels and notes the type of forms that each grants access to.


Form Access Levels Regular Forms Regular Subforms Budget Forms Budget Subforms
All Forms in a Workspace Regular Form Icon Regular Subform Icon Budget Form Icon Budget Subform Icon
All Non-Budget Forms in a Workspace Regular Form Icon Regular Subform Icon    
Specific Subforms Only   Regular Subform Icon   Budget Subform Icon