Federal Agency Programs

The Office Of Federal Agency Programs (FAP) within the Directorate of Enforcement Programs is the point of contact in OSHA for the Federal Sector to find answers to occupational safety and health questions. The basic mission of FAP is to ensure that each Federal agency is provided with the guidance necessary to implement an effective occupational safety and health program within the agency, and to inform the on the progress being made through detailed evaluations, reports and studies of agencies' occupational safety and health programs.

What Federal Directives and OSHA standards apply?

FAP Information and Resources

Folders in a file cabinet Federal Agency Safety and Health Occupational Injury and Illness Statistics

Workers at a training session Training for Federal Agencies

Screenshot of an OSHA Publication Other Information for Federal Agencies (Federal Poster, Field Federal Safety and Health Councils and more)

Annual President's Reports Annual President's Reports — 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011