Office of the Secretary

View the OSEC Homepage

Secretary of Labor Vacant 202-693-6000
Acting Secretary of Labor Al Stewart 202-693-6000
Senior Counselor to the Secretary M. Patricia Smith 202-693-6000
Chief Economist Janelle Jones 202-693-6000
Counselor to the Secretary Angela Hanks 202-693-6000
Counselor to the Secretary Momoko "Peach" Soltis 202-693-6000
Senior Advisor Raj Nayak 202-693-6000


Office of the Deputy Secretary

Deputy Secretary of Labor Vacant 202-693-6002
Chief Innovation Officer Chike Aguh 202-693-6002


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy (OASP)

View the OASP Homepage

Assistant Secretary for Policy Vacant 202-693-5959
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Stephanie Swirsky 202-693-5959
Senior Advisor Deborah Greenfield 202-693-5959
Chief Evaluation Officer Alexander Hertel-Fernandez 202-693-5959
Chief of Staff Patrick Oakford 202-693-5959


Centers for Faith and Opportunity Initiative (CFOI)

View the CFOI Homepage

Director Vacant 202-693-5950


Office of Public Affairs (OPA)

View the OPA Newsroom

Assistant Secretary Elizabeth Alexander 202-693-4676
Deputy Assistant Secretary Jesse Lawder 202-693-4676
Deputy Assistant Secretary Mike Trupo 202-693-4676


Office of Public Liaison (OPL)

Director Vacant 202-693-6455


Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs (OCIA)

View the OCIA Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-4600
Deputy Assistant Secretary Michelle Rose 202-693-4600
Senior Counselor Cathy Yu 202-693-4600


Administrative Review Board (ARB)

View the ARB Homepage

Acting Chair James D. McGinley 202-693-6222


Benefits Review Board (BRB)

View the BRB Homepage

Chief Judge and Chairman Judith S. Boggs 202-693-6300


Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB)

View the ILAB Homepage

Deputy Undersecretary Vacant 202-693-4770
Associate Deputy Undersecretary Mark A. Mittelhauser 202-693-4770


Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

View the BLS Homepage

Commissioner William W. Beach 202-691-7800
Deputy Commissioner William "Bill" Wiatrowski 202-691-7802


Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)

View the EBSA Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-8300
Deputy Assistant Secretary Ali Khawar 202-693-8300
Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Office Operations Timothy Hauser 202-693-8300
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Regional Office Operations Amy Turner 202-693-8300


Employees' Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB)

View the ECAB Homepage

Chief Judge and Chair Alec Koromilas 202-693-6420


Employment and Training Administration (ETA)

View the ETA Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-2772
Deputy Assistant Secretary Nancy Rooney 202-693-2772


Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

View the MSHA Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-9414
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Vacant 202-693-9414
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations Patricia W. Silvey 202-693-9414


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

View the OSHA Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-2000
Deputy Assistant Secretary James “Jim” Frederick 202-693-2000
Deputy Assistant Secretary Mandy Edens 202-693-2000
Senior Advisor Ann Rosenthal 202-693-2000
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Emergency & Pandemic Response Thomas Joseph "Chip" Hughes, Jr. 202-693-2000


Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ)

View the OALJ Homepage

Chief Judge Stephen R. Henley 202-693-7350
Acting Associate Chief Judge for Black Lung Carrie Bland 202-693-7350
Associate Chief Judge for Longshore and Immigration Paul R. Almanza 202-693-7350


Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

View the ODEP Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-7880
Deputy Assistant Secretary Jennifer Sheehy 202-693-7880


Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

View the OFCCP Homepage

Director Jenny Yang 202-693-0101
Deputy Director, Policy Vacant 202-693-0101
Deputy Director, National Operations Patricia J. Davidson 202-693-0101
Acting Deputy Director, Regional Operations Patricia J. Davidson 202-693-0101
Senior Advisor to Deputy Director for National Operations Lissette Geán 202-693-0101


Office of Inspector General (OIG)

View the OIG Homepage

Inspector General Vacant 202-693-5100
Acting Inspector General Larry D. Turner 202-693-5100


Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)

View the OLMS Homepage

Director Jeffrey Freund 202-693-0123
Deputy Director Andrew Auerbach 202-693-0123


Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM)

View the OASAM Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-4040
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Vacant 202-693-4040
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations Al Stewart 202-693-4040
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Performance Geoffrey Kenyon 202-693-4090
Special Advisor Christina Chen 202-693-4090


Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

View the OCFO Homepage

Chief Financial Officer Vacant 202-693-6800
Deputy Chief Financial Officer Kevin Brown 202-693-6800


Office of the Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOMBD)

View the EEOMBD Homepage

Ombudsman Malcolm Nelson 202-693-5890


Office of the Solicitor (SOL)

View the SOL Homepage

Solicitor Vacant 202-693-5260
Deputy Solicitor Vacant 202-693-5263
Deputy Solicitor For National Operations Stanley E. Keen 202-693-5321
Deputy Solicitor for Regional Enforcement Katherine E. Bissell 202-693-5269


Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)

View the OWCP Homepage

Director Christopher Godfrey 202-343-5580
Deputy Director Nancy Griswold 202-343-5580
Director, Federal Employees, Longshore Harbor Workers Antonio Rios 202-693-0040
Director, Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Rachel D. Pond 202-693-0081
Director, Coal Mine Workers' Compensation Michael A. Chance 202-693-0046


Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC)

View the PBGC Homepage

Director Gordon Hartogensis 202-326-4010


Veterans' Employment and Training Services (VETS)

View the VETS Homepage

Assistant Secretary Vacant 202-693-4700
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy James Rodriguez 202-693-4700
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations and Management Sam Shellenberger 202-693-4700


Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

View the WHD Homepage

Administrator Vacant 202-693-0051
Deputy Administrator Jessica Looman 202-693-0051


Women's Bureau (WB)

View the WB Homepage

Director Vacant 202-693-6710
Deputy Director Joan Harrigan-Farrelly 202-693-6710

For all other information, please call our National Contact Center 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365), TTY: 1-877-889-5627.