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Data and Statistics

The Vermont Tax Department conducts and supports research on current tax trends in the state. We publish a number of reports about various aspects of the Department’s work for taxpayers and tax professionals. The diversity of our research and reports are described as follows:

  • They cover a wide range of Tax Department functions.
  • Some are useful as a quick reference to learn more about the general achievements of the Department.
  • Some provide an in-depth understanding of specific types of taxes.
  • They are published at varying intervals, ranging from monthly to every other year.
  • Much of the information presented in most of the reports takes the form of statistical tables.

The Department also publishes Meals and Rooms Tax and Sales and Use Tax data by month, quarter, calendar year, and fiscal year. Preliminary reports are created 75 days after the end of the filing period. Updated reports are created 180 days after the end of the filing period; updated reports include more returns for any given period.

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