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Free File

If you qualify for Free File options to electronically file your federal individual income tax return with the IRS, you may also qualify for free electronic filing of your Vermont return with one of the Free File participating vendors.

Free File vendor information will be available January 2021


The Free File partnership between the IRS and brand-name tax software companies has helped  more than 100 million taxpayers prepare their tax returns, capturing all credits and deductions to maximize their refund, at no cost. This alliance enables 70 percent of all taxpayers – individuals and families with an adjusted gross income of $69,000 or less for Tax Year 2019 – to use the best-known and most trusted commercial tax preparation software products for free. Because the tax software companies donate their products, this program comes at no cost to the government, and in fact saves taxpayer dollars by encouraging e-filing versus filing paper returns.

  • The tax software programs – the same popular products people buy every year – make tax filing easy, walking taxpayers through the process of filing online, cutting down on errors and helping taxpayers get their refunds faster – with no hidden costs or fees.

  • Vermont taxpayers can use Free File anywhere – in the comfort of their own home, or wherever there is a computer with internet access.

  • Tax software programs are constantly updated to give you the most up to date information to complete your return accurately, and acknowledgement that your return was received.

Free File is a companion to other IRS programs that provide reliable tax preparation to the public at no cost, especially the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. VITA services are offered through thousands of community-based organizations and connects taxpayers to IRS-certified volunteers who are trained – and deeply passionate about – preparing returns for eligible individuals and families. Some VITAs also provide taxpayers access to Free File products at their sites, designating computers, workstations and volunteers for coaching and encouragement as the taxpayer prepares returns using the tax software.

Follow These Tips to Ensure State Filing Is Free to Eligible Filers

  • Most tax software vendors have two websites, one that is meant for use by the general public where a fee may be charged. The other site for those eligible for Free File.
  • Do not use the IRS' Free File link if you will file a Vermont return. In order to use Free File for your Vermont return, file both your federal and Vermont returns through the links provided on this page. The IRS Free File link brings you to the vendor's Free File site; however you cannot complete a Vermont return from the IRS' link.


Free File software meets the highest standards of security, privacy, and support. Every tax return is transmitted through secure e-file systems to the IRS and the Vermont Department of Taxes. Taxpayers receive an email confirmation from the Free File vendor when the return is accepted.

If you decide to do your return on a mobile device and file it using a Wi-Fi connection, be sure to use a trusted network, such as your home system. Never use public Wi-Fi unless you deploy a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt the data.

Filing Other Vermont Forms

Whereas Free File is for filing federal and state personal income tax returns, Vermont’s online tax portal, myVTax, can be used to file the following:

  • Vermont Renter Rebate Claim
  • Vermont Homestead Declaration or Property Tax Credit Claim


There is now more clarity for taxpayers choosing to use Free File for the 2020 filing year. Highlights include several features designed to make the program more taxpayer-friendly. Going forward, Free File vendors will:

  • not exclude their Free File Landing page from an organic internet search,
  • ensure that a link on their sites is available to return taxpayers to the IRS Free File website* at the earliest feasible point in the preparation process if they do not qualify for the vendor’s Free File offer, and
  • regularly survey taxpayers who successfully e-filed a tax return through the Free File program, reporting their results quarterly to the IRS.

*If you intend to do Vermont and federal tax returns, be sure to browse all free file offers to make an alternate selection.