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Rebecca Sameroff, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Taxes

Rebecca Sameroff was appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Taxes in December 2020.

Deputy Sameroff is responsible for legislative initiatives, policy development, and analytical work for Department. Ms. Sameroff previously served the Department as Chief Fiscal Analyst, supervising policy analysis, revenue forecasting, and analysis of the administrative impact and revenue implications of proposed policy changes, including distributional impacts on Vermont taxpayers. Ms. Sameroff  also served the City of Burlington as Special Advisor for Finance and Technology.

Deputy Sameroff holds a Master of Public Administration from The Maxwell School at Syracuse University and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Northwestern University.

Ms. Sameroff is an enthusiastic hiker, biker, and birder, and a former member of the Audubon Vermont Board of Directors.


Learn more about the Vermont Department of Taxes.