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Attention Landlords

If you have a large number of Form LC-142, Landlord Certificates, to submit, you can upload them in bulk through your myVTax account.

Landlord Certificates


A property tax is a levy on property that the owner is required to pay, with rates set as a percentage of the home value. Property assessments include two components-the improvement or building value, and the land or site value. Your property taxes help to fund local programs such as schools, fire stations, and municipal governments like select boards.

Additional information to help you with understanding property taxes, including how to appeal your property taxes can be found on the Secretary of State's website.

Please note: All payments for property taxes must be paid directly to the Town where the property is located. The Vermont Department of Taxes cannot process your property tax payment.

How Do We Compare

How do Vermont’s property taxes compare with property taxes in peer states? Review our infographic to see a comparison of typical Vermont property tax liability to that of neighboring states.

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