Report Child Abuse in Vermont

mandated reporters widgetIf you suspect a child is being abused or neglected, call 1-800-649-5285 to report it — 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If a child is in immediate danger, dial 911 or the local police first. Then, call to make a report.

Who can make a report?

All Vermonters are encouraged to report their concerns about children’s safety.  Mandated reporters are legally required to report any suspected child abuse and neglect to us within 24 hours.

What do I need to make a report?

Try to have as much information on hand as possible (e.g., the child’s name, date of birth, home address, school or child care provider, and parents’ names) before you call.

Protecting children is everyone's business! Your report could protect a child, get help for a family, and even save a child’s life!