Comment Policy

Welcome to the Social Security Administration’s official blog “Social Security Matters.” We established this blog for the purpose of sharing information about Social Security benefit programs and services, and related content. We encourage open discussion and ask that you govern yourselves accordingly.

Warning: For your safety, please do not post Personally Identifiable Information (such as your Social Security Number, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, or birthdate) on our blog.

Per our comment policy, we may remove comments if they include any of the following:

  • Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, and other Personally Identifiable Information;
  • Off-topic or unrelated content;
  • Threatening, defamatory, or obscene language or material;
  • Hate speech content;
  • Spam or undecipherable language (gratuitous links will be viewed as spam); and,
  • Personal details about our employees. While we love to hear feedback, we want to respect our employees’ privacy. However, you may post about individual offices.
  • While social media is a 24/7 medium, our monitoring capabilities are not. We do our best to respond timely to comments and questions, but we only respond during Eastern Time zone business hours. Keep commenting, and thanks for joining the conversation.
  • If you have specific questions regarding a Social Security program that involves details you do not wish to share publicly, you may contact Social Security through other channels. For security and privacy reasons, we cannot answer specific questions about a claim, benefit, or business situation through the blog. We do not communicate through email.  Inquiries will not be associated with an individual’s benefit claim, nor will they protect benefit filing dates or rights. While we encourage asking us general questions, for your security, please DO NOT post personal details such as your Social Security Number, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, or birthdate on our blog. To file a formal complaint with allegations about program discrimination by SSA, complete form SSA-437.
  • Please participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments. The Social Security Administration (SSA) does not endorse any external posts or links that appear on this site. We do not guarantee or warrant that the information posted by anyone other than SSA on this site is correct, and disclaim any liability for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. Our official agency responses will include the SSA logo.

Note: If you have questions or concerns about our Social Media Citizen Conduct and Commenting Policy, you can write to us at:

Social Security Administration
Office of Strategic and Digital Communications
Digital Messaging and Content Team
6401 Security Blvd.
3165 Annex Building
Baltimore, MD 21235

For information on Social Security’s privacy practices, including the use of cookies, please see our Internet Privacy Policy.