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Business Center

The Vermont Department of Taxes wants to help you pay the right amount of tax for your business by providing information and tools. Taxes can be complex, and we are here to help you navigate Vermont’s taxes, whether you are just starting your business or have been operating for years.

Before you open for business, you should learn about the Vermont taxes you must pay or collect and remit to the Vermont Department of Taxes. Tax law is complicated, and every year, the Vermont legislature may change, add, or repeal laws. To stay current on taxes that affect your business, we encourage you to learn about Vermont tax law. When necessary, we recommend consulting a tax professional who is knowledgeable about business tax law at both the federal and state levels.

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Staying Current on Vermont Tax Law and Regulation

To stay current on tax law and regulation that affect your business, you may search this website. You may also sign up for our e-newsletters delivered to your inbox or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


You will find most Vermont tax law in Title 32. Tax regulations and technical bulletins offer further guidance. Determinations and formal rulings are helpful as well, but keep in mind the outcome is based on facts specific to that taxpayer. Fact sheets and videos are designed to explain some areas of tax law and regulation but do not serve as substitutes.