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Broadening Participation at NSF

“The need for a robust and diverse STEM workforce has been reiterated for decades, and it is one of the current administration’s top priorities in order to maintain America’s historical preeminence in the STEM fields." - Dr. Panchanathan, NSF Director

Background on NSF Broadening Participation

NSF’s commitment to broadening participation is embedded in its Strategic Plan through a variety of investment priorities related to the Learning and Stewardship strategic outcome goals, including:

  • Preparing a diverse, globally engaged science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce;

  • Integrating research with education, and building capacity;

  • Expanding efforts to broaden participation from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions across all geographical regions in all NSF activities; and

  • Improving processes to recruit and select highly qualified reviewers and panelists.

Guided by the Strategic Plan, NSF established a performance area focused on broadening participation: to expand efforts to increase participation from underrepresented groups and diverse institutions throughout the United States in all NSF activities and programs.


New NSF effort focuses on expanding entrepreneurship opportunities and participation

NSF INCLUDES: Special Report to the Nation II: Building Connections

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This report highlights the progress of NSF's collective efforts to achieve more diversity in STEM. This report showcases the important work of NSF INCLUDES grantees; the lessons learned on building connections; and the corporate and federal partnerships that are empowering the national movement to broaden participation in STEM.

Click the image on your left to view the report or follow this link.


Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (CEOSE) Reports

The CEOSE committee has published several reports to Congress, which focus on broadening participation in STEM. Their latest report advises NSF to give increased attention to including diverse community voices across its research and education portfolios through community-driven projects. Click an image below to view a Biennial Report.

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Click to view report   Click to view report    


AAAS Sea Change Initiative

Sea Change LogoOne of the most challenging issues facing higher education today is cultivating diverse campus communities that are truly equitable, accessible, and inclusive. Achieving this goal has proven to be especially difficult in STEMM fields, where bias, marginalization, and exclusion on the basis of gender (including identity and expression), race, ethnicity, disability status, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, age, familial history of higher education, as well as the intersections between these identities, have prevented the full engagement of all individuals.

SEA Change is a comprehensive initiative that implements a proven self-assessment process to effect sustainable change with regard to diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEMM at U.S. institutions of higher education.

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For further information concerning NSF's Broadening Participation programs, please contact:

Dr. Suzanne Iacono
National Science Foundation
Phone: 703-292-8040

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