Whistleblower - Informant Award


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The IRS Whistleblower Office pays money to people who blow the whistle on persons who fail to pay the tax that they owe. If the IRS uses information provided by the whistleblower, it can award the whistleblower up to 30 percent of the additional tax, penalty and other amounts it collects.

News from the Whistleblower Office

Whistleblower Reforms Under the Taxpayer First Act

On July 1, 2019, the President signed the Taxpayer First Act into law. The new law includes several important provisions to help improve taxpayer service, ensure we are continuing to enforce the tax laws in a fair, impartial manner and ultimately support the continued success of our nation. The Act included law changes pertaining to the notification process to whistleblowers and made available protection for whistleblowers against retaliation.

Sequester Notices

Information About Submitting a Whistleblower Claim

Who can get an award?

The IRS may pay awards to people who provide specific and credible information to the IRS if the information results in the collection of taxes, penalties, interest or other amounts from the noncompliant taxpayer.

The IRS is looking for solid information, not an “educated guess” or unsupported speculation. We are also looking for a significant Federal tax issue - this is not a program for resolving personal problems or disputes about a business relationship.

What are the rules for getting an award?

The law provides for two types of awards. If the taxes, penalties, interest and other amounts in dispute exceed $2 million, and a few other qualifications are met, the IRS will pay 15 percent to 30 percent of the amount collected. If the case deals with an individual, his or her annual gross income must be more than $200,000. If the whistleblower disagrees with the outcome of the claim, he or she can appeal to the Tax Court. These rules are found at Internal Revenue Code IRC Section 7623(b) - Whistleblower Rules.

The IRS also has an award program for other whistleblowers - generally those who do not meet the dollar thresholds of $2 million in dispute or cases involving individual taxpayers with gross income of less that $200,000. The awards through this program are less, with a maximum award of 15 percent up to $10 million. In addition, the awards are discretionary and the informant cannot dispute the outcome of the claim in Tax Court. The rules for these cases are found at Internal Revenue Code IRC Section 7623(a) - Informant Claims Program, and some of the rules are different from those that apply to cases involving more than $2 million.

If you decide to submit information and seek an award for doing so, use IRS Form 211 PDF. The same form is used for both award programs.

More Information

Whistleblower Internal Revenue Manual

Historical Information

  • IRM 25.2.2 - Interim Guidance - General Changes
    Whistleblower Office has reissued a memorandum to employees on June 6, 2014 changing and/or clarifying procedures involving collected proceeds, corresponding with whistleblowers and representatives confirming termination, timing of award determinations, award computation, and funding awards. The guidance became effective on August 1, 2012.
  • IRM 25.2.2 – Interim Guidance - Whistleblower Award Administrative Proceeding
    Whistleblower Office has reissued a memorandum to employees on June 6, 2014 regarding procedural changes to IRM Whistleblower Award Administrative Proceeding. The guidance became effective on August 1, 2012.
  • IRM 25.2.2 – Interim Guidance - Whistleblower Withholding Program
    Whistleblower Office has reissued a memorandum to employees on June 6, 2014 providing guidance on the new Whistleblower Withholding Program. The guidance became effective on August 1, 2012.