
October 2020 Open Commission Meeting

10:30 am – 12:30 pm EDT
Online Only

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and related agency telework and headquarters access policies, this meeting was held in a wholly electronic format and was open to the public on the Internet via live feed from the FCC’s web page at www.fcc.gov/live and on the FCC’s YouTube channel.

The FCC held this Open Meeting on the subjects listed below:

Public Drafts of Meeting Items – The FCC is publicly releasing the draft text of each item expected to be considered at this Open Commission Meeting with the exception of items involving specific, enforcement-related matters including restricted proceedings and hearing designation orders. One-page cover sheets are included in the public drafts to help summarize each item. Links to these materials are provided below.

  • Restoring Internet Freedom Order Remand
    The Commission considered an Order on Remand that would respond to the remand from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and conclude that the Restoring Internet Freedom Order promotes public safety, facilitates broadband infrastructure deployment, and allows the Commission to continue to provide Lifeline support for broadband Internet access service. (WC Docket Nos. 17-108, 17-287, 11-42)
  • Establishing a 5G Fund for Rural America
    The Commission considered a Report and Order that would establish the 5G Fund for Rural America to ensure that all Americans have access to the next generation of wireless connectivity. (GN Docket No. 20-32)
  • Increasing Unlicensed Wireless Opportunities in TV White Spaces
    The Commission considered a Report and Order that would increase opportunities for unlicensed white space devices to operate on broadcast television channels 2-35 and expand wireless broadband connectivity in rural and underserved areas. (ET Docket No. 20-36)
  • Streamlining State and Local Approval of Certain Wireless Structure Modifications
    The Commission considered a Report and Order that would further accelerate the deployment of 5G by providing that modifications to existing towers involving limited ground excavation or deployment would be subject to streamlined state and local review pursuant to section 6409(a) of the Spectrum Act of 2012. (WT Docket No. 19-250; RM-11849)
  • Revitalizing AM Radio Service with All-Digital Broadcast Option
    The Commission considered a Report and Order that would authorize AM stations to transition to an all-digital signal on a voluntary basis and would also adopt technical specifications for such stations. (MB Docket Nos. 13-249, 19-311)
  • Expanding Audio Description of Video Content to More TV Markets
    The Commission considered a Report and Order that would expand audio description requirements to 40 additional television markets over the next four years in order to increase the amount of video programming that is accessible to blind and visually impaired Americans. (MB Docket No. 11-43)
  • Modernizing Unbundling and Resale Requirements
    The Commission considered a Report and Order to modernize the Commission’s unbundling and resale regulations, eliminating requirements where they stifle broadband deployment and the transition to next-generation networks, but preserving them where they are still necessary to promote robust intermodal competition. (WC Docket No. 19-308)
  • Enforcement Action on Arizona Company's Spoofed Telemarketing Calls
    The Commission considered a Forfeiture Order that would fine Affordable Enterprises of Arizona for making millions of illegally spoofed telemarketing calls.

Meeting Documents

FCC Responds to Narrow Remand of Restoring Internet Freedom Order

FCC Establishes a 5G Fund for Rural America

FCC Increases Unlicensed Wireless Operations in TV White Spaces

FCC Streamlines Local Approval of Wireless Structure Modifications

FCC Provides AM Radio Stations with All-Digital Broadcast Option

FCC Expands Audio Description of Video Content to More TV Markets

FCC Modernizes Unbundling and Resale Requirements

FCC Fines Arizona Telemarketer $37.5 Million for Spoofing Violations

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